Stand Command List
What follows is a list of all commands available in Stand 25.3.1, generated by using Stand > Generate Features (en).txt.
What follows is a list of all commands available in Stand 25.3.1, generated by using Stand > Generate Features (en).txt.
Self — Command: t self Movement Levitation Levitation — Command: levitate [on/off] Presets Levitation No Clip Movement Speed (0.01 to 10000.00) — Command: levitatespeed [0.01 to 10000.00] Sprint Multiplier (0.01 to 10000.00) — How fast you go while you press [Space]. — Command: levitatesprintmultiplier [0.01 to 10000.00] Acceleration (0.00 to 10.00) — Acceleration increases the speed of levitation the longer you move. Resets once you sprint or stop moving. — Command: levitateaccel [0.00 to 10.00] Movement Ignores Pitch — Disables forward and backward movement affecting height depending on where you're looking. — Command: levitateignorepitch [on/off] Keep Momentum — Command: keepmomentum [on/off] Apply Pitch to Entity — Command: levitateapplypitch [on/off] Only Rotate On Movement — Command: levitaterotate [on/off] Show Button Instructions — Command: levitatebuttoninstructions [on/off] Min Distance From Ground (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: levitatepassivemin [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Max Distance From Ground (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: levitatepassivemax [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Speed (0 to 1000000) — Command: levitatepassivespeed [0 to 1000000] Upward Force (0.00 to 10000.00) — Command: levitateassistup [0.00 to 10000.00] Downward Force (0.00 to 10000.00) — Command: levitateassistdown [0.00 to 10000.00] Downward Deadzone (0 to 100000) — How far from the ground you have to be before the assistant stops trying to pull you down. — Command: levitateassistdeadzone [0 to 100000] Snapping (0.00 to 10000.00) — Command: levitateassistsnap [0.00 to 10000.00] Walk And Run Speed (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: walkspeed [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Increased Friction — Reduces the slipperiness when turning with a high walk/run speed. — Command: friction [on/off] Graceful Landing — Command: gracefullanding [on/off] Super Jump — You can hold the jump button to jump higher. — Command: superjump [on/off] Super Flight Super Flight (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: superflight [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Button Instructions: Super Jump To Flight (On/Off) Button Instructions: Controls (On/Off) Walk Underwater — Command: walkunderwater [on/off] Swim Speed (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: swimspeed [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Super Run (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: superrun [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Total Freedom — Allows you to sprint, sneak, and jump in interiors. — Command: movefreedom [on/off] Walk On Air — Command: walkonair [on/off] Swim In Air — Command: swiminair [on/off] Drunk Mode — Command: drunkmode [on/off] Tennis Mode — Command: tennismode [on/off] Floppy Mode Floppy Mode — Command: floppy [on/off] Movement Speed (0.01 to 10000.00) — Command: floppyspeed [0.01 to 10000.00] Sprint Multiplier (0.01 to 5.00) — How fast you go while you press [Space]. — Command: floppysprint [0.01 to 5.00] Show Button Instructions — Command: floppyinstructions [on/off] Prioritise Syncing — Caps the speed and disables ascend, descend, and sprint to ensure this will sync. — Command: floppysynch [on/off] Reduced Collision — Enables walking through walls and vehicles. — Command: reducedcollision [on/off] No Collision — Command: nocollision [on/off] Freeze (On/Off) Appearance Transform Search — Allows you to find models to transform into using their name. — Command: findmodel [clue] Playable Characters <5 Options> Ground Animals <31 Options> Water Animals <7 Options> Flying Animals <5 Options> NPCs <1035 Options> Outfit — Command: outfit Wardrobe — Command: wardrobe Save Outfit Save Outfit — Command: saveoutfit [name] <41 More Options> Prefabricated Outfits Current Model: Default — The Rockstar-defined default outfit for your current model. — Command: defaultoutfit Current Model: Random — Command: randomoutfit Online Female: Topless — Command: toplessfemale Online Male: Cop — Command: copmale Online Female: Cop — Command: copfemale Open Folder Search — Command: searchoutfit [clue] Disable Outfit Restrictions — Allows you to save outfits with duffel bags, etc. — Command: nooutfitrestrictions [on/off] Disable In-Vehicle Hair Scaling — Command: nohairscaling [on/off] Lock Outfit — Disallows outfit changes outside of Stand which breaks the Casino Heist and possibly other missions. ⚠️ — Command: lockoutfit [on/off] <36 More Options> Animations Cancel — Command: cancelanim Scenarios — Command: scenarios <34 Options> Animations — Command: animations Dances — Command: dances <24 Options> <77 More Options> Object Animations — Command: objectanimations <35 Options> Partial Movement (On/Off) — Allows you to move while performing an animation, at the cost of the animation's fidelity. Looped Animations (On/Off) — This does not apply to scenarios. Automatically Cancel (On/Off) — Automatically cancels your current animation when you attempt to move. PTFX Trails Particle <501 Options> Interval (ms) (0 to 1000) — Command: trailinterval [0 to 1000] Scale (0.10 to 10.00) — Command: trailscale [0.10 to 10.00] Horizontal Offset (-10.00 to 10.00) — Command: trailoffset [-10.00 to 10.00] Head (On/Off) Neck (On/Off) Right Elbow (On/Off) Left Elbow (On/Off) Right Hand (On/Off) Left Hand (On/Off) Pelvis (On/Off) Right Calf (On/Off) Left Calf (On/Off) Right Foot (On/Off) Left Foot (On/Off) Walk Style — Command: walkstyle (value) <56 Options> Preserve Walk Style During Combat — Prevents your character from going into "combat mode" whenever violence is around you. — Command: preservewalkstyle [on/off] Scale (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Changes the height, width, and depth of your character *locally*. — Command: scale [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Scale Affects Camera — Command: scalecam [on/off] Scale Affects Speed — Command: scalespeed [on/off] Visual Z Correction (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Corrects your characters visual Z position, to be used with scale. — Command: visualz [-10000.00 to 10000.00] No Blood — Keeps your character free of blood. — Command: noblood [on/off] Set Wetness (0 to 1000) — Command: wetness [0 to 1000] Lock Wetness — Command: lockwetness [on/off] Invisibility — Note: When in a vehicle, other players will still be able to see you unless you also make your vehicle invisible. — Command: invisibility (value) Disabled — Command: invisibility off Locally Visible — Command: invisibility remote Enabled — Command: invisibility on Death Effect <501 Options> Respawn Effect <501 Options> Weapons Get Weapons — Command: getgun All Weapons — Command: allguns — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. <8 More Options> Remove Weapons — Command: removegun All Weapons — Command: noguns — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. <8 More Options> When Shooting... Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Freeze (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Push Away (On/Off) Drive — Command: drivegun [on/off] Revive — Command: revivegun [on/off] Ragdoll (On/Off) Repair (On/Off) Weaken (On/Off) — Reduces their health so they'll die easily. Delete — Command: deletegun [on/off] AR Marker (On/Off) Show Model Name (On/Off) When Aiming... Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Freeze (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Push Away (On/Off) Drive (On/Off) Revive (On/Off) Ragdoll (On/Off) Repair (On/Off) Weaken (On/Off) — Reduces their health so they'll die easily. Delete (On/Off) AR Marker (On/Off) Show Model Name (On/Off) Gravity Gun Gravity Gun — Command: gravitygun [on/off] Contrived Physics — Command: gravityguncontrivedphysics [on/off] Force Multiplier (0.01 to 10.00) — Command: gravitygunforce [0.01 to 10.00] Collision — Command: gravityguncollision [on/off] Vehicle Gun — Makes your guns shoot vehicles. — Command: vehiclegun Vehicle Gun — Makes your guns shoot vehicles. — Command: vehiclegun [on/off] Vehicle Random Super <57 Options> Service <13 Options> Utility <47 Options> Helicopters <30 Options> Motorcycles <59 Options> SUVs <46 Options> Sports <119 Options> Planes <35 Options> Emergency <31 Options> Military <17 Options> Sports Classic <50 Options> Compacts <18 Options> Sedans <43 Options> Boats <25 Options> Commercial <23 Options> Off-Road <68 Options> Vans <41 Options> Muscle <90 Options> Cycles <9 Options> Industrial <10 Options> Coupes <20 Options> Open Wheel <4 Options> Speed (20 to 200) — Command: vehiclegunspeed [20 to 200] Distance (10 to 30) — Command: vehiclegundistance [10 to 30] Components — Allows you to view and modify what components your selected weapon has. Lock Weapons Lock Weapons — Command: lockweapons [on/off] Loadouts — Command: lockweaponpresets Save Loadout — Saves your currently-equipped weapons into a Command Box Script to easily apply the loadout to Lock Weapons. — Command: lockweaponpresetssave [name] Only Remove Selected Weapons — Turns "Lock Weapons" into a "Blacklist Weapons", such that selected weapons will only be removed. — Command: invertlockweapons [on/off] <8 More Options> Current Weapon: Tint — Command: weapontint Current Weapon: Tint: Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Command: weapontintrainbow [0 to 1000] Aimbot Aimbot — Command: aimbot [on/off] Target Selection Players — Command: aimbotplayers [on/off] Pedestrians — Command: aimbotpeds [on/off] Vehicles — Command: aimbotvehicles [on/off] Distance (0 to 30000) — Command: aimbotrange [0 to 30000] Exclude Friends — Command: aimbotexcludefriends [on/off] Exclude Crew Members — Command: aimbotexcludecrewmembers [on/off] Exclude Stand Users — Command: aimbotexcludestandusers [on/off] Exclude Organisation Members — Command: aimbotexcludeorgmembers [on/off] Show Box — Command: aimbotbox [on/off] Re-engage Time (ms) (0 to 10000) — How long the aimbot will stay disabled for after you've moved the camera. — Command: aimbotlockout [0 to 10000] Smoothing (0 to 1000) — Command: aimbotsmoothing [0 to 1000] Line-of-Sight Check — Command: aimbotloscheck [on/off] Magic Bullets — Command: aimbotmagicbullets [on/off] Target Bone — Command: aimbotbone (value) Head Neck Right Elbow Left Elbow Right Hand Left Hand Pelvis Right Calf Left Calf Right Foot Left Foot Triggerbot Triggerbot — Command: triggerbot [on/off] Magic Bullets — Makes sure the triggerbot never misses. — Command: magicbullets [on/off] Players — Command: triggerbotplayers [on/off] Pedestrians — Command: triggerbotpeds [on/off] Vehicles — Command: triggerbotvehicles [on/off] Distance (0 to 30000) — Command: triggerbotrange [0 to 30000] Exclude Friends — Command: triggerbotexcludefriends [on/off] Exclude Crew Members — Command: triggerbotexcludecrewmembers [on/off] Exclude Stand Users — Command: triggerbotexcludestandusers [on/off] Exclude Organisation Members — Command: triggerbotexcludeorgmembers [on/off] Proximity Rockets Proximity Rockets — Proximity rockets only work on other players. — Command: proxyrockets [on/off] Range (0.50 to 5.00) — Command: proxyrange [0.50 to 5.00] Fill All Ammo — Command: fillammo Remove All Ammo — Command: removeammo Infinite Ammo — Command: bottomless [on/off] Skip Reloading — Command: noreload [on/off] No Spread — Command: nospread [on/off] No Recoil — Command: norecoil [on/off] No Spooling — Removes the delay before firing from applicable weapons. — Command: nospooling [on/off] Rapid Fire — Command: rapidfire [on/off] Rapid Fire Vehicle Weapons — Command: vehiclerapidfire [on/off] Damage Multiplier (0.00 to 10000.00) — Applies a multiplier to the damage dealt by your fists and guns. — Command: damagemultiplier [0.00 to 10000.00] Range Multiplier (0.00 to 1.50) — Command: rangemultiplier [0.00 to 1.50] Rocket Speed Multiplier (0.00 to 30.00) — Command: rocketspeedmultiplier [0.00 to 30.00] Super Melee (0 to 10) — Slings NPCs and vehicles away from you after you melee-attack them. Will not work on other players. — Command: supermelee [0 to 10] Bullets In Shotgun Batch (0 to 16) — Command: shotgunbatchsizemultiplier [0 to 16] Instant Lock-On — Command: instantlockon [on/off] Instant Proximity Mine Detonation — Command: instantproxy [on/off] Explosive Hits — Command: explosivehits [on/off] Explosion Type — Lets you select the explosion type of Explosive Hits. — Command: exptype (value) <84 Options> Impact Particles — Command: impactparticles [on/off] Particle — Lets you select the particle to use for Impact Particles. <500 Options> Total Freedom — Allows you to use weapons in interiors and in passive mode. — Command: gunfreedom [on/off] Increased Sticky Limit (On/Off) — This refers to the amount you can put into the world, not into your inventory. Increased Flare Limit (On/Off) — This refers to the amount you can put into the world, not into your inventory. Teleport Gun — Command: tpgun [on/off] Laser Sights — Command: lasersights [on/off] Bodyguards Spawn Spawn — Command: spawnbodyguards Count (1 to 7) — Command: bodyguardcount [1 to 7] Model — Command: bodyguardmodel (value) Playable Characters <6 Options> Ground Animals <31 Options> Water Animals <7 Options> Flying Animals <5 Options> NPCs <1035 Options> Primary Weapon — Bodyguards will use their primary weapon whenever possible. Otherwise, they will try to use their secondary weapon. — Command: bodyguardprimary (value) Melee Weapons <20 Options> Pistols <21 Options> Machine Guns <13 Options> Rifles <14 Options> Shotguns <10 Options> Sniper Rifles <6 Options> Heavy Weapons <11 Options> Secondary Weapon — Bodyguards will use their primary weapon whenever possible. Otherwise, they will try to use their secondary weapon. — Command: bodyguardsecondary (value) Melee Weapons <20 Options> Pistols <21 Options> Machine Guns <13 Options> Rifles <14 Options> Shotguns <10 Options> Sniper Rifles <6 Options> Heavy Weapons <11 Options> Presets — Command: bodyguardpresets Save Preset — Command: bodyguardpresetssave [name] Behaviour Formation — Command: bodyguardformation (value) None — Command: bodyguardformation none Line — Command: bodyguardformation line Circle — Command: bodyguardformation circle Alternative Circle — Command: bodyguardformation altcircle Aggression — Command: bodyguardaggression (value) Friendly — Defends you and others from AI attackers. Won't attack players. — Command: bodyguardaggression friendly Defensive — Defends you from any hostile targets. — Command: bodyguardaggression defensive Aggressive — Defends you from hostile targets, but often engages on sight. — Command: bodyguardaggression aggressive Exclude Players — Prevents your bodyguards from attacking this demographic. — Command: bodyguardsignoreplayers [on/off] Exclude Friends — Prevents your bodyguards from attacking this demographic. — Command: bodyguardsignorefriends [on/off] Exclude Authorities — Prevents your bodyguards from attacking this demographic. — Command: bodyguardsignoreauthorities [on/off] Exclude Crew Members — Prevents your bodyguards from attacking this demographic. — Command: bodyguardsignorecrewmembers [on/off] Exclude Organisation Members — Prevents your bodyguards from attacking this demographic. — Command: bodyguardsignoreorganisationmembers [on/off] Immortality — Command: bodyguardimmortality [on/off] Teleport To Me — Command: tpbodyguards Teleport When Far — Command: bodyguardsteleportwhenfar [on/off] Delete All Bodyguards — Command: delbodyguards Immortality — Makes your character unable to die. — Command: godmode [on/off] Auto Heal — Keeps your character at maximum health and armour. — Command: demigodmode [on/off] Maximum Health (200 to 15000) — Command: maxhealth [200 to 15000] Gracefulness — Makes your character unable to fall over. — Command: grace [on/off] Glued To Seats — Makes your character unable to fall off bikes. — Command: seatbelt [on/off] Set Wanted Level (0 to 5) — Command: wanted [0 to 5] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Lock Wanted Level — Command: lockwantedlevel [on/off] Fake Wanted Level (0 to 6) — Changes the number of wanted stars shown in the top-right corner. — Command: fakewantedlevel [0 to 6] Infinite Stamina — Command: infstamina [on/off] Lock Parachutes — Command: paralock (value) Disabled — Command: paralock off Full — Command: paralock full Empty — Command: paralock empty Clumsiness — Makes your character fall over more often. — Command: clumsiness [on/off] No Combat Roll Cooldown — Command: norollcooldown [on/off] Respawn At Place Of Death — Command: respawnrecall [on/off] Respawn Delay (0.00 to 5.00) — Changes the respawn time in GTA Online to the given amount of seconds. — Command: respawndelay [0.00 to 5.00] Regeneration Rate — Command: regenrate Health (0.00 to 50.00) — Increases your health by this amount, per second. — Command: healthrate [0.00 to 50.00] Armour (0.00 to 50.00) — Increases your armour by this amount, per second. — Command: armourrate [0.00 to 50.00] Only In Cover — Command: regenonlyincover [on/off] Refill Health — Command: refillhealth Refill Armour — Command: refillarmour Suicide — Command: ewo Vehicle — Command: t vehicle Spawner — Command: spawner Search — Command: findvehicle [clue] DLCs Agents of Sabotage <18 Options> Bottom Dollar Bounties <21 Options> The Chop Shop <33 Options> San Andreas Mercenaries <17 Options> Drug Wars <17 Options> The Criminal Enterprises <18 Options> The Contract <17 Options> LS Tuners <18 Options> Cayo Perico Heist <21 Options> LS Summer Special <15 Options> Diamond Casino Heist <20 Options> Diamond Casino & Resort <22 Options> Arena War <46 Options> After Hours <14 Options> Southern SA Super Sport Series <16 Options> The Doomsday Heist <30 Options> Smuggler's Run <19 Options> Gunrunning Pack <19 Options> Special Vehicle Circuit <4 Options> Import/Export <24 Options> Bikers <21 Options> Cunning Stunts <15 Options> Further Adventures in Finance and Felony <14 Options> Lowriders: Custom Classics <7 Options> Be My ValentineJanuary 2016 <2 Options> Festive Surprise 2015 Executives and Other Criminals <25 Options> Halloween Surprise <2 Options> Lowriders <8 Options> Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 <6 Options> Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 <6 Options> Heists DLC <21 Options> Festive Surprise 2014 <4 Options> Next Gen Release <13 Options> Last Team Standing <3 Options> SA Flight School <4 Options> Independence Day <2 Options> I'm Not a Hipster <7 Options> High Life <4 Options> Business <4 Options> Valentine's Day Massacre Beach Bum <4 Options> Game Launch <298 Options> Classes Boats <26 Options> Commercial <23 Options> Compacts <18 Options> Coupes <20 Options> Cycles <9 Options> Emergency <31 Options> Helicopters <30 Options> Industrial <11 Options> Military <17 Options> Motorcycles <59 Options> Muscle <90 Options> Off-Road <68 Options> Open Wheel <4 Options> Planes <46 Options> SUVs <46 Options> Sedans <43 Options> Service <13 Options> Sports <119 Options> Sports Classic <50 Options> Super <57 Options> Trains <11 Options> Utility <50 Options> Vans <41 Options> List Of Spawned Vehicles — Command: listofspawnedvehicles Input Model Name — The "expert mode" way of spawning vehicles. — Command: spawn [model name] — Can be used by other players with the Spawn Commands permission. On Foot Behaviour Drive Spawned Vehicles — Instantly puts you into the driver seat of vehicles that you spawn via Stand. — Command: footspawndrive [on/off] Spawn Aircraft In The Air — Command: footspawnair [on/off] Spawn In Front — Puts vehicles that you spawn via Stand a few metres in front of you. — Command: footspawnfront [on/off] Spawn Like Personal Vehicle — Command: footlikepv [on/off] Delete Previous Vehicle — Command: footspawndelete [on/off] In Vehicle Behaviour Drive Spawned Vehicles — Instantly puts you into the driver seat of vehicles that you spawn via Stand. — Command: vehspawndrive [on/off] Spawn Aircraft In The Air — Command: vehspawnair [on/off] Spawn In Front — Puts vehicles that you spawn via Stand a few metres in front of you. — Command: vehspawnfront [on/off] Spawn Like Personal Vehicle — Command: vehlikepv [on/off] Delete Previous Vehicle — Command: vehspawndelete [on/off] Keep Velocity — Command: vehspawnvelocity [on/off] Manufacturer Names (On/Off) Make Spawned Vehicles Indestructible — Command: spawngod [on/off] Tune Spawned Vehicles — Lets you select the tuning profile for vehicles spawned via Stand. — Command: spawntune (value) Stock — Command: spawntune stock Performance — Only upgrades Engine, Brakes, Transmission, Armour and Turbo. — Command: spawntune performance Performance, Including Spoiler — Command: spawntune perfwithspoiler Fully — Command: spawntune full Spawned Vehicles License Plate — Command: spawnplate [text] Colour Spawned Vehicles Colour Spawned Vehicles (On/Off) Primary Colour — Command: spawnprimarycolour Secondary Colour — Command: spawnsecondarycolour Blips On Spawned Vehicles Blips On Spawned Vehicles — Command: blipsonspawnedvehicles [on/off] Colour — Command: spawnedvehiclesblipcolour Scale (0.20 to 2.00) — Command: spawnedvehiclesblipscale [0.20 to 2.00] Only For Latest Vehicle (On/Off) Remove Blips — Command: clearspawnedblips Garage Search — Command: findsaved [clue] Save Vehicle — Command: savevehicle [name] Open Folder Personal Vehicles — Command: pvs Search — Command: findpv [clue] Sort By Name Slot Save All To Garage — Saves the data of all your personal vehicles to Stand's garage. — Command: saveallpvs Current Personal Vehicle — Command: personalvehicle Teleport To Me & Drive — Command: callpersonalvehicle Enter — Command: enterpersonalvehicle Imani Tech Remote Control Return To Storage — Command: returnpv Last Vehicle — Command: lastvehicle Teleport To Me & Drive — Command: calllastvehicle Enter — Command: enterlastvehicle Remote Control — Command: rc [on/off] Follow Me — Command: vehfollow [on/off] Los Santos Customs — Command: lsc Performance Armour — Command: armour Brakes — Command: brakes Engine — Command: engine Spoilers — Command: spoilers Transmission — Command: transmission Turbo — Command: turbo [on/off] Appearance Primary Colour — Command: vehprimary Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: vehprimaryrainbow [0 to 1000] Finish — Command: vehprimaryfinish (value) Normal Metallic Pearlescent Matte Metal Chrome Chameleon LSC Colours — Command: vehprimarylsc Search — Command: searchvehprimarylsc [clue] Black <160 More Options> Secondary Colour — Command: vehsecondary Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: vehsecondaryrainbow [0 to 1000] Finish — Command: vehsecondaryfinish (value) Normal Metallic Pearlescent Matte Metal Chrome Chameleon LSC Colours — Command: vehsecondarylsc Search — Command: searchvehsecondarylsc [clue] Black <160 More Options> Copy Primary Colour Pearlescent Colour — Command: vehpearlescent Search — Command: searchvehpearlescent [clue] Black <160 More Options> Interior Colour — Command: vehinteriorcolour Search — Command: searchvehinteriorcolour [clue] Black <160 More Options> Neon Lights Colour — Command: neoncolour Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: neoncolourrainbow [0 to 1000] All — Command: vehneonall [on/off] Front — Command: vehneonfront [on/off] Back — Command: vehneonback [on/off] Left — Command: vehneonleft [on/off] Right — Command: vehneonright [on/off] Wheels Wheels Category — Command: wheeltype Front Wheels — Command: frontwheels Wheels Colour — Command: vehwheelcolour Search — Command: searchvehwheelcolour [clue] Black <160 More Options> Tyre Smoke Colour — Command: vehtire Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: vehtirerainbow [0 to 1000] Independence Day Tyre Smoke — Command: independencetiresmoke [on/off] Copy Primary Colour Drift Tyres — Command: drifttyres [on/off] Bulletproof Tyres — Command: bulletprooftyres [on/off] License Plate Type — Command: platetype Text — Command: plate [text] Randomise — Command: platerandomise Scrolling Text Scrolling Text — Command: platescroll [on/off] Text — Command: scrollplatetext [value] Interval (ms) (0 to 60000) — Command: platescrolldelay [0 to 60000] Speedometer — Command: platespeedometer [on/off] Ticks Per Second — Equal to frames per second. — Command: platetps [on/off] Lock License Plate Text — Command: lockplate [on/off] Parachute Enable Parachute — Doesn't have an effect on all vehicles, e.g. not on motorcycles. — Command: vehparachute (value) Don't Override — Command: vehparachute default Enabled — Command: vehparachute on Disabled — Command: vehparachute off Appearance — Note that after you have opened the vehicle's parachute, not all changes will apply. Generic Parachute: Rainbow Generic Parachute: Red Generic Parachute: White, Blue, Yellow Generic Parachute: Black, Red, White Generic Parachute: Red, White, Blue Generic Parachute: Blue Generic Parachute: Black Generic Parachute: Black, Yellow Generic Parachute: Yellow, Blue, White Generic Parachute: Orange Generic Parachute: White SecuroServ Broken Parachute Extras <15 Options> Scorched — Command: scorched [on/off] Remove Turret — This will only affect your game. — Command: tonk [on/off] Show Non-Applicable (On/Off) Headlights — Command: headlights Window Tint — Command: windowtint Roof Livery — Command: rooflivery Horns — Command: horns Livery — Command: livery Side Skirt — Command: sideskirt Suspension — Command: suspension Exhaust — Command: exhaust Frame — Command: frame Front Bumper / Countermeasures — Command: frontbumper Rear Bumper — Command: rearbumper Hood — Command: hood Roof / Weapons — Command: roof Fender — Command: fender Right Fender — Command: rightfender Grille — Command: grille Plate Holders — Command: plateholders Vanity Plates — Command: vanityplates Trim Design — Command: trimdesign Ornaments — Command: ornaments Dashboard — Command: dashboard Dial Design — Command: dialdesign Seats — Command: seats Door Speaker — Command: doorspeaker Steering Wheel — Command: steeringwheel Shift Lever — Command: shiftlever Plaques — Command: plaques Speakers — Command: speakers Trunk — Command: trunk Hydraulics — Command: hydraulics Engine Block — Command: engineblock Boost / Air Filter — Command: boostairfilter Struts — Command: struts Arch Cover — Command: archcover Aerials — Command: aerials Trim — Command: trim Tank — Command: tank Left Door — Command: leftdoor Right Door — Command: rightdoor Lightbar — Command: lightbar Upgrade — Fully upgrades your current or last vehicle. — Command: tune Performance Upgrade — Upgrades your current or last vehicle's EMS, Brakes, Transmission, Armour and Turbo. — Command: performance Performance Upgrade, Including Spoiler — Command: perfwithspoiler Random Upgrade — Command: randomtune Downgrade — Resets your current or last vehicle to stock tuning. — Command: untune Movement Super Drive Presets Super Drive Horn Boost Super Drive — Command: superdrive [on/off] Super Drive Uses Camera — Changes the definition of "forward" for Super Drive to be where you're looking instead of where your vehicle is going. — Command: superdrivecam [on/off] Speed (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: superdrivespeed [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Controller Button — Command: superdrivecontrollerbutton (value) <16 Options> Super Handbrake — Command: superhandbrake [on/off] Drive On Water — Command: driveonwater [on/off] Drive Underwater — Command: waterwheels [on/off] Speed Limit (KMH) (0 to 10000) — Sets the speed limit of vehicles that you pilot or drive. (Default: 540) — Command: speedlimit [0 to 10000] Handling Editor Base <51 Options> Bikes <21 Options> Boats <28 Options> Car <12 Options> Trailers <9 Options> Flying <40 Options> Vertical Flying <40 Options> Special Flight <25 Options> Seaplanes <11 Options> Submarines <8 Options> Show Non-Applicable (On/Off) Presets — Command: handlingpreset Save Preset — Command: handlingpresetsave [name] Special Flight — Note that for vehicles other than the Deluxo, the "roof" input (Hold H or D-Pad Right) is used to toggle special flight. Don't Override Deluxo Oppressor Mk II Jump Ability — Note that if have both the jump and rocket boost ability, the game will move the boost to the secondary key. — Command: vehjump (value) Don't Override — Command: vehjump default Enabled — Command: vehjump on Disabled — Command: vehjump off Glide Ability — Command: vehglide (value) Don't Override — Command: vehglide default Enabled — Command: vehglide on Disabled — Command: vehglide off No Turbulence — Command: smoothflight [on/off] Disable Heli Auto-Stabilisation — Originally inspired by Murten's BetterHeliMode script. — Command: heliautostabilisation [on/off] Gravity Multiplier Gravity Multiplier (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: gravitymultiplier [-100.00 to 100.00] Not In Aircraft — Command: gravitynotinaircraft [on/off] Engine Power Multiplier (1.00 to 20.00) — Command: enginepowermult [1.00 to 20.00] Custom Wings Behaviour — Allows you to customise the behaviour of the wings on the original oppressor. Custom Wings Behaviour — Allows you to customise the behaviour of the wings on the original oppressor. — Command: wingsmod [on/off] Min Position (-100000 to 100000) — Command: wingsmin [-100000 to 100000] Max Position (-100000 to 100000) — Command: wingsmax [-100000 to 100000] Speed (0 to 1000000) — Command: wingsspeed [0 to 1000000] Set Speed Based On Max Position Lessen Tyre Burnouts — Command: launchcontrol [on/off] Smooth Coasting — Reduces the idle deacceleration of your vehicle to a more realistic pace. — Command: smoothcoasting [on/off] Drift Mode — Our recreation of the drift tuning, which is only available for a handful of vehicles. Our version works for much more vehicles, but some vehicles will not feel as smooth as others. — Command: driftmode [on/off] Rocket Boost Override — Allows you to change whether the vehicles you drive have rocket boost. — Command: vehrocket (value) Don't Override — Command: vehrocket default Enabled — Command: vehrocket on Disabled — Command: vehrocket off Vertical Rocket Boost — Command: verticalboost (value) Don't Override — Command: verticalboost default Enabled — Command: verticalboost on Disabled — Command: verticalboost off Charge Behaviour — Command: boostcharge (value) Normal — Command: boostcharge normal Infinite — Makes the boost never end unless you crash. — Command: boostcharge infinite Instant Refill — Refills the boost immediately after it runs out. — Command: boostcharge instantrefill No Refill Time — Refills the boost immediately when its conditions are met. — Command: boostcharge norefilltime Always Empty — Command: boostcharge empty Auto Rocket Boost — Automatically uses the rocket boost when it's charged. — Command: autoboost [on/off] Collisions Ramp — Command: vehramp (value) Don't Override — Command: vehramp default Enabled — Command: vehramp on Disabled — Command: vehramp off Ramming Scoop — Command: vehscoop (value) Don't Override — Command: vehscoop default Enabled — Command: vehscoop on Disabled — Command: vehscoop off Increased Ramming Force — Command: increasedrammingforce (value) Don't Override — Command: increasedrammingforce default Enabled — Command: increasedrammingforce on Disabled — Command: increasedrammingforce off No Collision With Other Vehicles — Command: ghostvehicles [on/off] No Collision With Peds — Command: nopedcollision [on/off] No Collision With Objects — Note this excludes stationary map objects like trees. — Command: noobjcollision [on/off] No Collision — Completely disables collision for your current vehicle (not recommended for non-flying vehicles). — Command: vehiclenocollision [on/off] Open/Close Doors All Doors — Command: openvehdoors [on/off] Front Left (On/Off) Front Right (On/Off) Back Left (On/Off) Back Right (On/Off) Hood (On/Off) Trunk (On/Off) Back (On/Off) Back 2 (On/Off) Lock Doors Lock Doors — Command: lockdoors [on/off] Only When Vacant — Command: lockwhenvacant [on/off] Exclude Other's Personal Vehicles — Command: excludeotherslock [on/off] Exclude Friends (On/Off) Exclude Crew Members (On/Off) Exclude Stand Users (On/Off) Exclude Organisation Members (On/Off) Exclude Missions (On/Off) AR Speedometer — Gives your character AR glasses running a speedometer app. AR Speedometer — Gives your character AR glasses running a speedometer app. — Command: arspeedometer [on/off] Colour — Command: arspeedhex Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: arspeedrainbow [0 to 1000] Native Rendering — Command: arspeednative [on/off] Countermeasures — Command: countermeasures Auto-Deploy — Command: autodeploy (value) Disabled Flares Chaff Both Deploy Chaff — Command: deploychaff Deploy Flares — Command: deployflares Deploy Flares & Chaff — Command: deployboth Count (1 to 10) — Command: cmcount [1 to 10] Only In Aircraft — Command: onlyaircraft [on/off] Pattern — Command: flarepattern (value) Horizontal Horizontal, Downwards Horizontal, Upwards Vertical Vertical, Downwards Random Periodic Deployment — Command: periodiccm [on/off] Periodic Deployment: Delay (1 to 10) — Command: periodiccmdelay [1 to 10] Auto-Drive — Command: autodrive Drive To... — Command: goto Wherever The Wind Takes Us — Drives you around with no specific destination. — Command: goto none Waypoint — Command: goto waypoint Objective — Command: goto objective Casino — Command: goto casino Ammu-Nation — Command: goto ammunation Clothes Store — Command: goto clothesstore Tattoo Parlor — Command: goto tattooparlor Barber Shop — Command: goto barber Los Santos Customs — Command: goto lossantoscustoms Movies — Command: goto movies Store — Command: goto store Motorcycle Gang Clubhouse — Command: goto mc Facility — Command: goto facility Agency — Command: goto agency Office — Command: goto office Hangar — Command: goto hangar Cancel — Command: stopautodrive Cruise Speed (0.00 to 80.00) — Command: autodrivespeed [0.00 to 80.00] Driving Style — Command: autodrivestyle (value) Lawful Lawful, Ignore Stop Lights Aggressive Backwards Show Destination Beacon — Command: showbeacon [on/off] Cancel On Input — Automatically terminates when you attempt to control the vehicle. — Command: autodriveautocancel [on/off] No Vehicle Collision While Auto-Driving — Disables collision with other vehicles while auto-driving. Helpful to compensate for poor path-finding while aggressively driving. — Command: noclipwhileautodrive [on/off] Light Signals — Command: lightsignals Turn Signal — Command: signal (value) Off — Command: signal off Left — Command: signal left Right — Command: signal right Hazard — Command: signal hazard Automatically Disable Turn Signals — Command: autosignal [on/off] Use Brake Lights When Stopped — Command: brakelights [on/off] Mute Sirens — This will only affect your game. — Command: mutesirens [on/off] Turn Vehicle Upright — Turns your current or last vehicle upright. — Command: flipvehicle Fix Vehicle — Repairs your current or last vehicle. — Command: fixvehicle — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Indestructible — Makes any vehicle that you pilot or drive unable to be damaged. — Command: vehgodmode [on/off] Permanent Mint Condition — Keeps your vehicle free of dents and scratches. — Command: mint [on/off] Invisibility — Command: vehinvisibility (value) Disabled — Command: vehinvisibility off Locally Visible — Command: vehinvisibility remote Enabled — Command: vehinvisibility on Headlights Intensity (0.00 to 10000.00) — *higher values are only reflected locally* — Command: headlightsintensity [0.00 to 10000.00] Can't Be Locked On — Command: nolockon [on/off] Can't Be Dragged Out — Command: nojacking [on/off] Instantly Enter & Exit Vehicles — Skips your character walking to the vehicle, turning on the engine and getting out/off. — Command: instaseat [on/off] Stop Vehicles When Exiting — Command: exitstop [on/off] Leave Engine On When Exiting — Command: leaveengineon [on/off] Auto Transform Submarine Cars Auto Transform Submarine Cars (On/Off) No Animation (On/Off) Driveby In All Vehicles — Command: drivebyinall [on/off] Driveby With All Weapons — Command: drivebywithall [on/off] Weapon Wheel In Vehicles — Note that you can still use scroll wheel up to go through one-by-one, which you need to do to go through vehicle weapons. — Command: wheelonwheels [on/off] Show Bomb Trajectory — Command: bombtrajectory [on/off] Fly Through Windscreen — Throws you out of the vehicle on high-speed frontal collisions like in Story Mode. This overrides "Glued To Seats". — Command: flythroughwindscreen [on/off] Lock On To All Vehicles — Allows you to lock onto Imani Tech vehicles. This also bypasses features like "Can't Be Locked On". — Command: bypassnolockon [on/off] Set Vehicle Seat (-1 to 7) — Command: setseat [-1 to 7] Set As Pegasus Vehicle — Allows you to put certain spawned aircraft in your hangar by making the game think it's a Pegasus vehicle. — Command: pegasus Forge Model — Command: forgemodel [on/off] Toggle Engine On/Off — Note that pressing forwards or backwards will cause your character to turn the engine back on in most vehicles. — Command: toggleengine Destroy — Command: destroyvehicle Delete — Deletes your current or last vehicle. — Command: deletevehicle Online — Command: t online New Session — Command: go Pit Stop At Character Selection (On/Off) Create Public Session — Command: go solopublic Create Invite Only Session — Command: go inviteonly Create Closed Crew Session — Command: go closedcrew Create Crew Session — Command: go crew Create Closed Friend Session — Command: go closedfriend Create Solo Session — Command: go solo Join A Friend — Command: go joinafriend Join Crew Members — Command: go joincrew Find Public Session — Command: go public Find New Public Session — Like "Find Public Session" but puts you in a fresh session first so you hopefully don't end up in the same session. — Command: go newpublic Creator Mode — Command: go creatormode Social Club TV — Command: go sctv Transitions Matchmaking Region Override Region Override — Command: regionoverride [on/off] Region Don't Filter Australia Europe Asia Japan Latin America North America USA, East USA, West Asset Hashes Fix Asset Hashes — Allows you to join sessions with modified assets, which would normally show an incompatible assets error. — Command: fixassethashes [on/off] Set Asset Checksum — Allows you to input a custom asset checksum (up to 8 hex digits) to restrict your matchmaking and sessions. — Command: assetchecksum Reset Asset Checksum — Command: resetassetchecksum Override Extra Checksum — Command: extratoggle [on/off] Extra Checksum — Allows you to input a custom extra checksum (up to 8 hex digits) to restrict your matchmaking and sessions. — Command: extravalue [value] Extra Checksum: Presets Stand 2Take1 Cherax Pool Override Pool Override — Command: mmpooltoggle [on/off] Pool (-2147483648 to 2147483647) — Command: mmpoolslider [-2147483648 to 2147483647] Player Count Preference (0 to 30) — Puts you in sessions with around the provided number of players. — Command: mmplayercount [0 to 30] Disable — Disables matchmaking so that you no longer find preexisting public sessions. — Command: mmdisable [on/off] Seamless Session Switching Seamless Session Switching — Command: seamless [on/off] World State Change Disabled Deferred Deferred, Online Only Deferred, Story Mode Only Speed Up Don't Wait For Data Broadcast — Command: skipbroadcast [on/off] Don't Wait For Mission Launcher — Command: speedupfmmc [on/off] Don't Ask For Permission To Spawn — Command: speedupspawn [on/off] Session Hopper Session Hopper — Command: sessionhopper [on/off] Min Players (1 to 30) — Command: hopminplayers [1 to 30] Unstuck — Command: unstuck Join Group Override — Allows you to e.g. use a spectator slot to join an otherwise-full session without actually spectating. However, this may cause issues when joining jobs. ⚠️ Don't Override Spectator Freemoder Skip Swoop Down — Skips the slow camera descent when joining a session. — Command: skipswoopdown [on/off] Show Rockstar Support Message — Command: supportmessage [on/off] Disable Spawn Activities — Prevents your character playing an animation after loading into a session. — Command: nospawnactivities [on/off] Disable DLC Intro Movie — Command: nodlcintromovie [on/off] Transition Helper — Ensures that you don't get stuck in the clouds. — Command: transitionhelper [on/off] Show Transition State — Command: showtransitionstate [on/off] Show Array Sync Progress (On/Off) Session Session Scripts Run Script — Command: runscript Freemode Activities <10 Options> Arcade Games <6 Options> Removed Freemode Activities <6 Options> Session Breaking <10 Options> Services Airstrike Ammo Drop Helicopter Backup Helicopter Backup (Cayo Perico) Boat Pickup Helicopter Pickup Bull Shark Testosterone (BST) Open Interaction Menu Flight School Lightning Strike For Random Player Disable Passive Mode Darts Impromptu Deathmatch Slasher Cutscenes <3 Options> Uncategorised <194 Options> Session Code — Command: sessioncode Session Code Join Session Via Code — Command: codejoin [code] Copy Invite Link Block Joins From Anyone — Command: blockjoins [on/off] — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition From Strangers — Blocks joins from people who are not your friend on Social Club. — Command: blockjoinsstrangers [on/off] From Non-Whitelisted (On/Off) — Blocks joins from any players you have not specifically whitelisted. From Known Advertisers (On/Off) From Removed Players (On/Off) — Blocks joins from players you have kicked or crashed. Message — This will only have an effect when you're the session host. Not Intended Session — Failed to join intended GTA Online session. Incompatible Assets — Failed to join session due to incompatible assets. Ensure Latest Title Update — Please make sure all players have the latest Title Update. Different Targeting Preference — The session you are trying to join is using a different targeting preference. You can change your preference in the Settings tab of the Pause Menu in Grand Theft Auto V. Joining a new GTA Online Session. Your Account Has A Bad Reputation — Unable to join this session, your account has a bad reputation. You Are A Cheater — You are classed as a cheat and can only play with other cheats until you are forgiven. You Are A Bad Sport — The session you are trying to join is for people who are not Bad Sports or cheaters - you are a Bad Sport. Incompatible Downloadable Content — Incompatible downloadable content. All players must have the latest compatibility pack. Different Build Type — The session you are trying to join is a different build type. Different Content — The session you are trying to join is not using the same content. Bad Sports Only — The session you are trying to join is for Bad Sports only. Cheaters Only — The session you are trying to join is for cheaters only. Premium Race — Unable to Join. The session you are trying to join is a Premium Race. Joining and accepting invites is disabled for this mode. Unable To Connect — Unable to connect to session. The session may no longer exist. Private — The session you are trying to join is private. You will need to be invited to join this session. Friends Only — The session you are trying to join is friends only. You Were Already Voted Out — You have already been voted out of this game session. Invites Disabled — Invites are currently disabled in the session. No Longer Exists — The session you are trying to join no longer exists. Removed Players — A list of players who are currently blocked from joining because you removed them. Notifications From Anyone Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) From Strangers Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) From Non-Whitelisted Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) From Known Advertisers Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) From Removed Players Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Player Join Reactions Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Player Bar Player Bar — Command: playerbar [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Text Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: playerbarscale [1 to 32767] Background Blur (0 to 100) — Note that higher values of this are extremely demanding of your GPU. — Command: playerbarblur [0 to 100] Hide If Disabled Player List Is Visible XP Bar Is Visible Show Even If Alone — Command: playerbaralone [on/off] Show Tags — Command: playerbartags [on/off] Hide Players With No Tags — Command: playerbarhidenotags [on/off] Default Colour — Command: playerbardefault Self Colour — Command: playerbarself Use Colour (On/Off) Friend Colour — Command: playerbarfriend Use Colour (On/Off) Crew Member Colour — Command: playerbarcrewmember Use Colour (On/Off) Organisation Member Colour — Command: playerbarorganisationmember Use Colour (On/Off) In Timeout Colour — Command: playerbarintimeout Use Colour (On/Off) Modder Colour — Command: playerbarmodder Use Colour (On/Off) Admin Colour — Command: playerbaradmin Use Colour (On/Off) Likely Modder Colour — Command: playerbarlikelymodder Use Colour (On/Off) Attacked You Colour — Command: playerbarattackedyou Use Colour (On/Off) Host Colour — Command: playerbarhost Use Colour (On/Off) Next Host Colour — Command: playerbarnexthost Use Colour (On/Off) Script Host Colour — Command: playerbarscripthost Use Colour (On/Off) Invulnerable Colour — Command: playerbarinvulnerable Use Colour (On/Off) Indestructible Vehicle Colour — Command: playerbarindestructiblevehicle Use Colour (On/Off) In Vehicle Colour — Command: playerbarinvehicle Use Colour (On/Off) RC Vehicle Colour — Command: playerbarrcvehicle Use Colour (On/Off) Off The Radar Colour — Command: playerbarofftheradar Use Colour (On/Off) In An Interior Colour — Command: playerbarinaninterior Use Colour (On/Off) Spectating Colour — Command: playerbarspectating Use Colour (On/Off) Typing Colour — Command: playerbartyping Use Colour (On/Off) Dead Colour — Command: playerbardead Use Colour (On/Off) Invisible Colour — Command: playerbarinvisible Use Colour (On/Off) VPN Colour — Command: playerbarvpn Use Colour (On/Off) Player Leave Reasons — Note that the conclusions Leave Reasons comes to may be inaccurate as this feature can not be implemented non-heuristically. Notification — Command: lrnotify [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: lrlog [on/off] Write To Console — Command: lrconsole [on/off] Announce In Chat — Command: lrchat [on/off] Announce In Team Chat — Command: lrteamchat [on/off] Show "Left Normally" — Command: lrnormal [on/off] Show "Closed The Game" — Command: lrclose [on/off] Show "Was Blocked From Joining" — Command: lrblocked [on/off] Player Leave Notifications Notification — Command: leavenotify [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: leavelog [on/off] Write To Console — Command: leaveconsole [on/off] Announce In Chat — Command: leavechat [on/off] Announce In Team Chat — Command: leaveteamchat [on/off] Stand User Identification Stand User Identification (SUI) (On/Off) — Identifies fellow Stand Users but also allows them to identify you. HostShare™ (On/Off) — When you are the host, allows fellow Stand Users to leverage your host privileges, as long as both of you have S.U.I. enabled. For Friends (On/Off) For Crew Members (On/Off) For Strangers (On/Off) Custom Vote Kick Threshold Custom Vote Kick Threshold — Command: customvotekick [on/off] Threshold (1 to 32) — The amount of vote kicks required before you kick somebody. — Command: customvotekickthreshold [1 to 32] Exclude Friends — Command: customvotekickexcludefriends [on/off] Exclude Crew Members — Command: customvotekickexcludecrewmembers [on/off] Exclude Stand Users — Command: customvotekickexcludestandusers [on/off] Exclude Organisation Members — Command: customvotekickexcludeorgmembers [on/off] Notification — Command: customvotekicknotify [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: customvotekicklog [on/off] Write To Console — Command: customvotekickconsole [on/off] Announce In Chat — Command: customvotekickchat [on/off] Announce In Team Chat — Command: customvotekickteamchat [on/off] Automatically Rejoin Desynced Sessions Automatically Rejoin Desynced Sessions — Automatically rejoin sessions which you have been desynced from. — Command: autorejoindesynced [on/off] Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Thunder Weather Enable Request — Command: thunderon Disable Request — Command: thunderoff Notify On Request — Command: thundernotify [on/off] Become Script Host — Command: scripthost Restart Freemode Script — Command: restartfm Rejoin Session — Command: rejoin Be Alone — Makes you the only one in your current session without disrupting anyone else's experience. — Command: bealone Player Magnet — This will accelerate how quickly your session becomes populated by other players. — Command: playermagnet [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Set Session Type — Command: setsessiontype Solo — Command: setsessiontype solo Invite Only — Command: setsessiontype inviteonly Closed Friend — Command: setsessiontype closedfriend Closed Crew — Command: setsessiontype closedcrew Crew — Command: setsessiontype crew Public — Command: setsessiontype public Clear Blacklist — Allows people who were previously vote kicked to join again. — Command: clearblacklist Player History — Command: history Search — Allows you to find players in your history using name, Rockstar ID, and note. — Command: findplayer [clue] Noted Players Tracked Players — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Meta Add Player By Name — Command: historyadd [name] Add Player By RID — Command: historyaddrid [rid] Players With Join Reactions Players With Whitelisted Join Copying Session Info From On Tracking Update... Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Show Online Tracked Players On Injection — Command: injecttrackedinfo [on/off] Rockstar Admins Add Missing — Command: adminsupdate Set Note — Sets the note of every admin in your history. — Command: adminsnote [value] Track All — Command: adminstrack — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Untrack All — Command: adminsuntrack Tracked Players Untrack All — Command: untracktracked Whitelist All — Command: whitelisttracked Unwhitelist All — Command: unwhitelisttracked Mark As Fake Friend — Command: fakefriendtracked Unmark As Fake Friend — Command: unfakefriendtracked SC Friends Add Missing — Command: friendsupdate Set Note — Command: friendsnote [value] Track All — Command: friendstrack — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Untrack All — Command: friendsuntrack — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Whitelist All — Command: friendswhitelist Unwhitelist All — Command: friendsunwhitelist Clear History Clear History Keep Noted (On/Off) Keep Tracked (On/Off) Keep Whitelisted (On/Off) Keep Players With Join Reactions (On/Off) Session Browser — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Min Players (0 to 30) — Command: browserminplayers [0 to 30] Max Players (1 to 30) — Command: browsermaxplayers [1 to 30] Region Don't Filter Don't Override Australia Europe Asia Japan Latin America North America USA, East USA, West Free Aim Don't Filter Yes No More Filters Hidden Don't Filter No Yes Bad Sport Don't Filter Yes No Asset Hashes (On/Off) — If enabled, only sessions matching your current asset hashes will be shown. You may spoof your checksums for a sort of "private matchmaking." Not Hosted By Known Advertiser (On/Off) Refresh Enhancements Remove "Transaction Pending" — Removes any active loading indicator at the bottom right of your screen. — Command: removeloader Leave Current Interior — Command: leaveinterior Force Cloud Save — Command: forcecloudsave Disable Idle/AFK Kick — Command: noidlekick [on/off] Thousands Separator For Money — Adds a thousands separator to money values shown in the top right. — Command: thousands [on/off] All Players In Player List — Shows all players in the in-game player list, ignoring Cayo Perico state. — Command: fullplayerlist [on/off] Freemode Banners To Notifications — Command: fmbanner2notify [on/off] All Missions In Private Sessions — Command: sellinprivate [on/off] Disable LSC Restrictions — Allows you to enter Los Santos Customs with all vehicles, including unowned ones, and fully modify them. — Command: nolscrestrictions [on/off] Phone Animations (On/Off) — Gives your character animations when using the phone. Speed Up Dialing — Command: speeddial [on/off] Disable Death Barriers — Command: nodeathbarriers [on/off] Disable Mechanic Cooldown — Command: nomechaniccooldown [on/off] Disable Oppressor Mk II Cooldown — Command: nomk2cooldown [on/off] Disable VIP Work Cooldown — Command: noworkcooldown [on/off] Disable Suicide Cooldown — Command: noewocooldown [on/off] Disable Passive Mode Cooldown — Command: nopassivecooldown [on/off] Disable Orbital Cannon Cooldown — Command: noorbcooldown [on/off] Disable Kosatka Missile Cooldown — Command: nokosatkamissilecooldown [on/off] Disable Kosatka Missile Range Limit — Does not have an effect on already launched missiles. — Command: nokosatkamissilerangelimit [on/off] Disable Nano Drone Range Limit — Command: nonanodronerangelimit [on/off] Disable Nano Drone Ability Cooldown — Command: nonanodroneabilitycooldowns [on/off] Disable Business Battle Music — Note that enabling this feature won't terminate offending audio that is already playing. — Command: nobusinessbattlemusic [on/off] Disable Event End Countdown Audio — Note that enabling this feature won't terminate offending audio that is already playing. — Command: noeventendaudio [on/off] Toggleable Big Map — Makes the minimap always behave like you're in a plane. — Command: toggleablebigmap [on/off] Allow Pausing — Command: pausable [on/off] Allow Weaponised Vehicles In Passive Mode — Command: passiweaponveh [on/off] Remote Control Any Vehicle — Command: rcanyvehicle [on/off] Disable Forced RC Perspective — Command: norcfirstperson [on/off] Bypass Interior Restrictions — Deceives checks for some interiors like the foundry so you can be inside of them without being teleported out. — Command: nointeriorcheck [on/off] Bypass Interaction Menu Barriers — Allows you to use most interaction menu options even when they're greyed out or unavailable. — Command: nopimenugrey [on/off] Bypass Casino Region Lock — Command: nocasinoregionlock [on/off] Bypass Time Trial Vehicle Suitability — Command: notimetrialsuitability [on/off] Disable Dripfeeding — Allows you to spawn, drive, and buy new DLC vehicles before they're available to legit plebs. — Command: nodripfeeding [on/off] Disable Empty Notifications — Command: noemptynotifications [on/off] Notify On Commendation — Gives you a notification when someone commends you for being helpful or friendly. — Command: commendnotify [on/off] Disable Daily Expenses — Command: nodailyexpenses [on/off] Block Background Script — Blocks execution of the background script which Rockstar uses to tease new DLCs but also to cause complications for modders. — Command: nobgscript [on/off] Ensure Clean Races — Ensures that opposing drivers in races play fair by ghosting them locally if they get too close. — Command: ghostnearbydrivers [on/off] Protections — Command: protections Events Crash Event Notification Enabled — Includes friends, strangers, & yourself. Friends & Strangers Strangers Disabled Block <4 Options> Write To Log File <4 Options> Write To Console <4 Options> Announce In Chat <4 Options> Announce In Team Chat <4 Options> Kick <3 Options> Love Letter Kick — A discrete kick that won't tell the target who did it. Unblockable when you are the host. <3 Options> Blacklist Kick — Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. This will only have an effect when you're the session host. <3 Options> Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition <3 Options> Timeout — Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. <3 Options> Block Their Network Events <3 Options> Block Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Block Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Log Their Network Events <3 Options> Log Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Log Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Their Network Events <3 Options> Notifications For Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Kick Event <21 Options> Modded Event — Events that could only have been sent by a modder. <21 Options> Unusual Event — Events that may have been sent by a modder but could also happen legitimately under rare circumstances. <17 Options> Apartment Invite <21 Options> Force Camera Forward <21 Options> Trigger Business Raid <17 Options> Start Freemode Mission <21 Options> Start Freemode Mission (Not My Boss) <21 Options> Teleport To Interior <21 Options> Teleport To Interior (Not My Boss) <21 Options> Give Collectible <21 Options> Give Collectible (Not My Boss) <21 Options> CEO/MC Kick <21 Options> Infinite Loading Screen <21 Options> Infinite Phone Ringing <21 Options> Cayo Perico Invite <21 Options> Send To Job <21 Options> Vehicle Takeover — When someone tries to take control of a vehicle you're driving which could be used to teleport you. <21 Options> Disable Driving Vehicles <21 Options> Kick From Vehicle <21 Options> Kick From Interior <21 Options> Freeze <21 Options> Camera Shaking Event <21 Options> Explosion Spam — Applies when someone spams explosions on your character. <21 Options> Ragdoll Event <21 Options> Modded Damage Event <21 Options> Remove Weapon Event <21 Options> Raw Network Events <85 Options> Detections Classifications Any Classification Notification Enabled — Includes friends, strangers, & yourself. Friends & Strangers Strangers Disabled Write To Log File <4 Options> Write To Console <4 Options> Announce In Chat <4 Options> Announce In Team Chat <4 Options> Timeout — Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. <3 Options> Block Their Network Events <3 Options> Block Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Block Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Log Their Network Events <3 Options> Log Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Log Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Their Network Events <3 Options> Notifications For Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Modder <16 Options> Admin <16 Options> Likely Modder <16 Options> Possible Modder <16 Options> Any Detection Notification Enabled — Includes friends, strangers, & yourself. Friends & Strangers Strangers Disabled Write To Log File <4 Options> Write To Console <4 Options> Announce In Chat <4 Options> Announce In Team Chat <4 Options> Block Their Network Events <3 Options> Block Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Block Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Log Their Network Events <3 Options> Log Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Log Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Their Network Events <3 Options> Notifications For Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Stand User <15 Options> Stand User (Co-Loading) <15 Options> Other User Identifications <15 Options> Rockstar Anti Cheat <15 Options> Modded Health <15 Options> Dead For Too Long <15 Options> Off The Radar For Too Long <15 Options> Too Much Armour <15 Options> Presence Spoofing — Detects session spoofing as well as more subtle manipulation. <15 Options> Rockstar Employee RID <15 Options> Take-Two IP Address <15 Options> Spoofed Host Token (Aggressive) <19 Options> Spoofed Host Token (Sweet Spot) <15 Options> Spoofed Host Token (Handicap) <15 Options> Spoofed Host Token (Other) <15 Options> Modded Character Model <15 Options> Attacking While Invulnerable <15 Options> Damage Multiplier <15 Options> Super Jump <15 Options> Rockstar Developer Flag <15 Options> Rockstar QA Flag <15 Options> Cheater Flag <15 Options> Invalid Rank/RP <15 Options> RP-Rank Mismatch <15 Options> Spoofed Rank <15 Options> Blocked Network Event — Indicates that a player may've blocked essential network events, such as requesting control of an entity. <15 Options> Modded Driveby Weapon <15 Options> Chatting Without Typing <15 Options> Bounty Spam — Indicates that a player has placed bounties at an impossible rate, e.g. a bounty for everyone in the session. <16 Options> Modded Bounty — Indicates that a player has placed a bounty with an illegitimate value, e.g. 6969. <16 Options> Modded Explosion — Primarily detects when modders spawn explosions on people or use explosive ammo. Note that this may rarely also trigger for legit players. <17 Options> Modded Organisation Name <16 Options> Hidden From Player List <15 Options> Love Letter Lube <15 Options> Modded Data <15 Options> Anti-Detection Invulnerable (On/Off) Indestructible Vehicle (On/Off) Spectating (On/Off) — Regardless of this, your camera position is always synced and you can still be detected spectating based on it. Damage Multiplier (On/Off) Modded Health (On/Off) Syncs Custom Model Sync Reactions Add Model — Command: addblacklistmodel [model name] Cage — Other players can resync objects spawned by modders, so be aware of that. <21 Options> World Object Sync — Other players can resync objects spawned by modders, so be aware of that. <21 Options> Invalid Model Sync — Other players can resync objects spawned by modders, so be aware of that. <21 Options> Attachment Spam — Other players can resync objects spawned by modders, so be aware of that. <21 Options> Incoming Any Incoming Sync Notification Enabled Strangers Disabled Block <3 Options> Write To Log File <3 Options> Write To Console <3 Options> Clone Create <4 Options> Clone Update <4 Options> Clone Delete <4 Options> Acknowledge Clone Create <4 Options> Acknowledge Clone Update <4 Options> Acknowledge Clone Delete <4 Options> Outgoing Clone Create <4 Options> Clone Update <4 Options> Clone Delete <4 Options> Text Messages Any Message Notification Enabled Strangers Disabled Block <3 Options> Write To Log File <3 Options> Write To Console <3 Options> Announce In Chat <3 Options> Announce In Team Chat <3 Options> Kick <3 Options> Love Letter Kick — A discrete kick that won't tell the target who did it. Unblockable when you are the host. <3 Options> Blacklist Kick — Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. This will only have an effect when you're the session host. <3 Options> Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition <3 Options> Timeout — Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. <3 Options> Block Their Network Events <3 Options> Block Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Block Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Log Their Network Events <3 Options> Log Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Log Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Their Network Events <3 Options> Notifications For Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Advertisement <21 Options> Bypassed Message Filter <21 Options> Session Script Start Any Script <4 Options> Uncategorised <4 Options> Freemode Activity <4 Options> Arcade Game Notification Enabled — Includes friends, strangers, & yourself. Friends & Strangers Strangers Disabled Block <4 Options> Write To Log File <4 Options> Write To Console <4 Options> Announce In Chat <4 Options> Announce In Team Chat <4 Options> Kick <3 Options> Love Letter Kick — A discrete kick that won't tell the target who did it. Unblockable when you are the host. <3 Options> Blacklist Kick — Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. This will only have an effect when you're the session host. <3 Options> Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition <3 Options> Timeout — Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. <3 Options> Block Their Network Events <3 Options> Block Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Block Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Log Their Network Events <3 Options> Log Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Log Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Their Network Events <3 Options> Notifications For Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Removed Freemode Activity <21 Options> Session Breaking <21 Options> Service <21 Options> Open Interaction Menu <21 Options> Flight School <21 Options> Lightning Strike For Random Player <21 Options> Disable Passive Mode <21 Options> Darts <21 Options> Impromptu Deathmatch <21 Options> Slasher <21 Options> Cutscene <21 Options> Host-Controlled Kicks Lessen Host Kicks — Lessens host kicks such that you only get a notification that a host kick has occurred and all players will appear to have left. — Command: lessenhostkicks [on/off] Notification When Love Letter Kicked — Command: notifyloveletter [on/off] Desync Kick Karma — Makes desync kick options of some other menus always backfire if used against you. — Command: desynckarma [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Love Letter Lube — Makes you a less likely candidate for when the host picks who to kick for Love Letter. Disabled Legit — Some modders may detect this, misguidedly. Aggressive — This is the most effective option, but other modders can detect this. Presence Events Block Friend Stat Notifications — Blocks notifications like "...has collected all Letter Scraps." — Command: nofriendstatnotifications [on/off] Block Job Invites — Command: nojobinvites [on/off] Pickups Any Pickup Collected Notification (On/Off) Block (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Cash Pickup Collected <6 Options> RP Pickup Collected <6 Options> Invalid Pickup Collected — What to do in the event that you collect an invalid pickup that would kick you from session. <6 Options> Co-Loading Disable Crash Event (N1) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (C1) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (C3) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (U1) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (U2) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (CS) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (SR) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Disable Crash Event (T6) When Co-Loading (On/Off) Block Bailing Player No Longer In Session (On/Off) Switching Primary Crew (On/Off) Spectating Related (On/Off) — Target left, etc. Other Reasons (On/Off) — Timeouts and whatnot. Protections Guide Block Blaming — Makes you unable to damage others so that explosions blamed on you equally do no damage. Also makes other people unable to damage you. — Command: noblame [on/off] Block Vote Kicks — Command: novotekicks (value) Disabled — Command: novotekicks off SCTV / Spectator Mode — Recommended — Command: novotekicks sctv Freemode Mission 2 — Command: novotekicks mission2 Freemode Mission 4 — Command: novotekicks mission4 Freemode Mission 1 — Command: novotekicks mission1 Freemode Mission 3 — Command: novotekicks mission3 Block Join Karma — Detects when non-hosts try to block your join and removes them from the session, allowing you to join. Block Join Karma — Detects when non-hosts try to block your join and removes them from the session, allowing you to join. — Command: blockjoinkarma [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Block Entity Spam Block Entity Spam — Command: blockentityspam [on/off] Automatically Use Anti-Crash Cam (On/Off) Prevent Renderer Working To Death — Stops the game from rendering so much that it crashes. — Command: drawpatch [on/off] Delete Stale Objects — Deletes objects whose model info has been unloaded because this game is a flawless masterpiece. Delete Stale Objects (On/Off) — Deletes objects whose model info has been unloaded because this game is a flawless masterpiece. Notification (On/Off) Write To Log File (On/Off) Write To Console (On/Off) Announce In Chat (On/Off) Announce In Team Chat (On/Off) Disable Turning Into Beast — Stops you being turned into the beast for the "Hunt The Beast" freemode event, which modders may use as a means to troll you. — Command: nobeast [on/off] Delete Modded Pop Multiplier Areas — Deletes modded population multiplier areas so GTA Online won't look more barren than usual. — Command: nomodpop [on/off] Script Error Recovery — Command: scripterrorrecovery (value) Disabled — Command: scripterrorrecovery off Only For Freemode — Command: scripterrorrecovery freemodeonly Enabled — Command: scripterrorrecovery on Block Player Model Swaps Block Player Model Swaps (On/Off) — Locally blocks players transforming into models that are not normally playable. In principle, this is not needed because we patch all related crashes (that we know of). Exclude Friends (On/Off) Exclude Crew Members (On/Off) Exclude Stand Users (On/Off) Force Relay Connections — Command: forcerelayconnections [on/off] Quick Progress — Aka. "Recoveries". Unlocks — Command: unlocks Unlock All — For when you want the unlocks below all at once. — Command: unlockall Unlock Free Orbital Cannon Shot — Command: freeorbital Unlock Gender Change — Allows you to change your character's gender using Style > Change Appearance in the interaction menu. — Command: unlockgenderchange Unlock Exclusive Liveries — Command: unlockliveries Unlock Bunker Research — Command: unlockresearch Unlock Kosatka For Purchase — Command: unlockkosatka Unlock Casino Heist Clothing — Command: unlockcasinoheistclothing Unlock Arena War Clothing — Command: unlockarenawarclothing Unlock Bunker Shooting Range Rewards — Unlocks the rewards for completing all 3 tiers of the shooting range including increased capacity for throwables. — Command: unlockshootingrangerewards Unlock Awards — Gives you plenty of awards including clothing and tatoos they unlock. — Command: unlockawards Unlock Vehicle Customisations — Command: unlockvehiclecustomisations Unlock Ammu-Nation Tints — Unlocks the Army, Green, Orange, & LSPD tints for all applicable weapons. — Command: unlockweapontints Max Character Stats — Maxes your Stamina, Strength, Shooting, Stealth, Flying, Driving, & Lung Capacity stats. — Command: unlockcharacterstats Stat Editor — Command: stateditor Popular Stats <7 Options> Raw Stats Search — Command: statsearch [clue] <27613 More Options> LS Car Meet Set Reputation Level — Note that you need to become a member of the LS Car Meet before you can earn reputation with them. — Command: setlscarmeetreplevel [1 to 1000] Unlock Prize Ride — Command: unlockprizeride Cayo Perico Heist — Command: cayoheist Finish Setup Missions — Command: setupcayoheist Set Target — Command: cayotarget Sapphire Panther — Command: cayotarget panther Madrazo Files — Command: cayotarget files Pink Diamond — Command: cayotarget diamond Bearer Bonds — Command: cayotarget bonds Ruby Necklace — Command: cayotarget necklace Tequila — Command: cayotarget tequila Casino Heist — Command: casinoheist Remove Repeat Cooldown — Make sure you're not inside of the arcade when using this. — Command: repeatcasinoheist P.O.I. & Access Points Scope — Only use this after having completed the initial scope out mission as otherwise it will softlock. — Command: scopecasino Unscope — Command: unscopecasino Set Vault Contents — Use this after paying for the heist but before scoping out the vault contents. — Command: casinovault Diamonds — Command: casinovault diamonds Art — Command: casinovault art Gold — Command: casinovault gold Cash — Command: casinovault cash Finish First Board — Use this after paying for the heist and optionally setting the vault contents. — Command: casinoapproach Silent & Sneaky — Command: casinoapproach silentandsneaky Big Con — Command: casinoapproach bigcon Aggressive — Command: casinoapproach aggressive Finish Second Board — Command: casinosecondboard Reset Crew — In case you made a poor choice for your crew that you'd like to change. — Command: casinoresetcrew Casino Lucky Wheel Reward — Command: rigluckywheel (value) Don't Manipulate — Command: rigluckywheel off Podium Vehicle — Command: rigluckywheel vehicle Discount — Command: rigluckywheel discount Chips — Command: rigluckywheel chips Cash — Command: rigluckywheel cash RP — Command: rigluckywheel rp Clothing — Command: rigluckywheel clothing Mystery: Vehicle — Command: rigluckywheel mysteryvehicle Mystery: Business Supplies — Command: rigluckywheel supplies Mystery: Snacks — Command: rigluckywheel snacks Mystery: Chips — Command: rigluckywheel mysterychips Mystery: Cash — Command: rigluckywheel mysterycash Mystery: RP — Command: rigluckywheel mysteryrp Mystery: Clothing — Command: rigluckywheel mysteryclothing Slot Machines Outcome — Do not earn more than GTA$ 10,000,000 within 24 hours! Furthermore, this might not be safe if you have used or are using other menus on this account. — Command: rigslotmachines (value) Don't Manipulate — Command: rigslotmachines off Jackpot — Command: rigslotmachines jackpot Loss — Command: rigslotmachines loss Small Win — Command: rigslotmachines smallwin Always Win Blackjack — Makes the dealer always bust. Other players can also benefit from this. — Command: rigblackjack [on/off] Roulette Outcome (-1 to 37) — Other players can also benefit from this. — Command: rigroulette [-1 to 37] Money Guide Refill Snacks & Armour — Command: fillinventory Finish Doomsday Heist Setups — Skips all setup missions for your current doomsday heist. — Command: setupdoomsdayheist Finish Apartment Heist Setups — Skips all setup missions for your current apartment heist. — Command: setupapartmentheist Set Rank — Command: setrank [1 to 8000] Nightclub Popularity Set Nightclub Popularity (0 to 100) — Command: clubpopularity [0 to 100] Lock Nightclub Popularity — Command: locknightclubpopularity [on/off] Fast Run Ability Obtain Unlearn Bad Sport Status Obtain Relinquish Chat Commands — Process chat messages with the chosen prefix like commands for Stand's command box but note that most commands aren't available for other players. Enabled For Me — Command: commandsforme [on/off] For Friends Enabled — Command: commandsforfriends [on/off] Friendly Commands (On/Off) Neutral Commands (On/Off) Spawn Commands (On/Off) Rude Commands (On/Off) Aggressive Commands (On/Off) Toxic Commands (On/Off) For Crew Members Enabled — Command: commandsforcrew [on/off] Friendly Commands (On/Off) Neutral Commands (On/Off) Spawn Commands (On/Off) Rude Commands (On/Off) Aggressive Commands (On/Off) Toxic Commands (On/Off) For Team Chat — E.g., your CEO/MC members. Enabled (On/Off) Friendly Commands (On/Off) Neutral Commands (On/Off) Spawn Commands (On/Off) Rude Commands (On/Off) Aggressive Commands (On/Off) Toxic Commands (On/Off) For Strangers Enabled — Command: commandsforstrangers [on/off] Friendly Commands (On/Off) Neutral Commands (On/Off) Spawn Commands (On/Off) Rude Commands (On/Off) Aggressive Commands (On/Off) Toxic Commands (On/Off) Prefix ! ? ; , . + - * / \ % = # $ € Reply Prefix None ! ? ; , . + - * / \ % = # $ € Reply Visibility Everyone Issuer & Me Issuer Me Nobody Command Box Documentation Command List Reactions Any Message Advertisement Notification Enabled Strangers Disabled Block — Will prevent the message reaching you but others will still see it. <3 Options> Write To Log File <3 Options> Write To Console <3 Options> Announce In Chat <3 Options> Announce In Team Chat <3 Options> Kick <3 Options> Love Letter Kick — A discrete kick that won't tell the target who did it. Unblockable when you are the host. <3 Options> Blacklist Kick — Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. This will only have an effect when you're the session host. <3 Options> Crash — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition <3 Options> Timeout — Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. <3 Options> Block Their Network Events <3 Options> Block Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Block Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Log Their Network Events <3 Options> Log Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Log Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Their Network Events <3 Options> Notifications For Incoming Syncs <3 Options> Notifications For Outgoing Syncs <3 Options> Bypassed Message Filter <21 Options> Chat Spam <21 Options> Log Chat Messages — Command: logchat Chat.txt (On/Off) Log.txt (On/Off) Console (On/Off) Typing Indicator — Shows a typing indicator like in Discord when other players are typing. Typing Indicator — Shows a typing indicator like in Discord when other players are typing. — Command: typingindicator [on/off] Closed Chat Position — Command: closedtypingpos X — Command: closedtypingx Y — Command: closedtypingy Move With Mouse — Command: closedtypingmousemove [on/off] Open Chat Position — Command: opentypingpos X — Command: opentypingx Y — Command: opentypingy Move With Mouse — Command: opentypingmousemove [on/off] Send Message Send Message — Command: say [text] Add To Local History — Command: saylocal [on/off] In Team Chat — Command: sayteam [on/off] Spam Spam — Friendly reminder that our terms of service prohibit mass advertising, and engaging in such will result in a suspension of your account. — Command: spam [on/off] — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Text — Command: spamtext [value] Interval (ms) (100 to 60000) — Command: spaminterval [100 to 60000] Add To Local History — In case you also want to be spamming on your end. — Command: spamlocal [on/off] Send All Chat Messages (On/Off) — Turns the chat box into an interface for the "Send Message" command, making your messages network consistently. Show All Chat Messages (On/Off) — Forces the game to show all received chat messages in the chat box, regardless of who sent it. Type Out Player Names — Completes player names for you when you press the assigned hotkey whilst drafting a chat message. — Command: tabcomplete [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Paste In Chat Message — Pastes text from your clipboard when you press the assigned hotkey whilst drafting a chat message. — Command: chatpaste [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Bypass Profanity Filter — Allows you to swear in chat without it being censored for others. — Command: uncensored (value) Disabled — Command: uncensored off Enabled — Command: uncensored on In Team Chat — Command: uncensored team Bypass Character Filter — Allows you to use naughty characters like < and > in chat. — Command: html (value) Disabled — Command: html off Enabled — Command: html on In Team Chat — Command: html team No "Transaction Pending" When Chatting (On/Off) — Removes loading indicators while you have the chat open. Open Chat When Scrolling (On/Off) — Fixes the fact that you can scroll the chat while it's closed by making it show up when scrolling. Always Open — Command: chatalwaysopen [on/off] Suppress Typing Indicator — Makes other players unable to see when you're drafting a chat message. — Command: hidetyping [on/off] Timestamp In Messages — Command: chattimestamp [on/off] OwO-ify My Chat Messages — OwO-ifies your outgoing messages. Note that you won't see a difference locally. — Command: owoifymychats [on/off] Sing In Chat — Sings the song in your %appdata%/Stand/Song.lrc. — Command: singing [on/off] — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Spoofing Name Spoofing — This will only affect your game. Name Spoofing — This will only affect your game. — Command: spoofname [on/off] Spoofed Name — Command: spoofedname [value] Get Random Name From Player History Session Spoofing Hide Session — Cloaks your session for anyone trying to track, join, or spectate you. — Command: spoofsession (value) Disabled — Command: spoofsession off Story Mode — Command: spoofsession storymode — Exclusive to the Regular Edition Non-Existent Session — Command: spoofsession fake — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Offline — Command: spoofsession offline — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Session Type — The session type seen by anyone trying to track you. — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Not Spoofed Solo Invite Closed Friend Closed Crew Crew Public Invalid Host Host Spoofing — Command: spoofhost [on/off] — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Spoofed Host - RID — Command: spoofedhostrid [rid] Spoofed Host - Name — Command: spoofedhostname [value] Spoofed Host: Presets Youtubers <32 Options> You Crew Spoofing Crew Spoofing — Command: crew [on/off] ID — This determines which emblem will be shown. Must be non-zero to show your crew tag. — Command: crewid [id] Tag — Command: crewtag [tag] Name — Command: crewname [name] Motto — Command: crewmotto [motto] Alternative Badge — Command: crewaltbadge [on/off] Colour — Command: crewcolour Presets No Crew < STD ] Runs Dead [ DEAD ] IGN Crew < IGN ] Copy From My Crews Rank Spoofing — Allows you to change the rank other players see on you in the player list. Rank Spoofing — Allows you to change the rank other players see on you in the player list. — Command: spoofrank [on/off] Spoofed Rank (-2147483648 to 2147483647) — Command: spoofedrank [-2147483648 to 2147483647] K/D Spoofing K/D Spoofing — Command: spoofkd [on/off] Spoofed K/D (-21474836.48 to 21474836.47) — Command: spoofedkd [-21474836.48 to 21474836.47] Position Spoofing Position Spoofing — Command: spoofpos [on/off] Spoofed Position — Command: spoofedposition [value] Rockstar Developer Flag — Makes players unable to legitimately vote kick you. — Command: devflag [on/off] Rockstar QA Flag — Only other modders will be able to see this. — Command: qaflag [on/off] Cheater Flag — Only other modders will be able to see this. — Command: cheaterflag [on/off] Spoof Other Players' Names — This will only affect your game. — Command: streamerspoof [on/off] Hide From Player List — Hides you from the game's HUD player list. — Command: hidefromplayerlist [on/off] Phone Mode Spoofing Disabled Not Using Phone Calling Texting Recording Reactions Player Join Reactions <16 Options> Host Change Reactions <16 Options> Script Host Change Reactions <16 Options> Vote Kick Reactions Voting To Kick Anyone <20 Options> Voting To Kick Me <20 Options> Love Letter Kick Reactions — This will only have an effect when you're the session host. <17 Options> Bounty Reactions — This doesn't apply when an NPC places a bounty on you. <20 Options> Particle Spam Reactions — Not always malicious, but can drop your FPS. <21 Options> Rockstar ID Tools Join Session By Name — Command: join [name] Invite To Session By Name — Command: invite [name] Open Profile By Name — Command: nameprofile [name] Join Session By RID — Command: ridjoin [rid] Invite To Session By RID — Command: ridinvite [rid] Open Profile By RID — Command: ridprofile [rid] Social Club DM Notifications Social Club Notification — Command: scdmscnotify [on/off] Notification — Command: scdmnotify [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: scdmlog [on/off] Write To Console — Command: scdmconsole [on/off] Announce In Chat — Command: scdmchat [on/off] Announce In Team Chat — Command: scdmteamchat [on/off] CEO/MC Colour Slots — Command: ceocolours 0 — Command: ceocolour0 <9 More Options> Register As A CEO/VIP — Command: ceostart Start A Motorcycle Club — Command: mcstart Name — Command: ceoname [value] Change Type — Changes your organisation into a motorcycle club or vice-versa. — Command: ceotomc Remove CEO/MC Ban — Command: ceoappeal Mental State Set Mental State (0 to 100) — Command: mentalstate [0 to 100] Lock Mental State — Command: lockmentalstate [on/off] Pulsating Mental State (On/Off) — Oscillates the mental state that is indicated by your blip colour. ATM Withdraw — Command: withdraw [value] Auto Deposit Wallet (0 to 1000000) — Command: wallethopper [0 to 1000000] Tunables — Allows you to enable some of the things Rockstar only enable for certain event weeks. — Command: tunables Disable Insurance Payments — Prevents you having to pay for insurance when destroying others' personal vehicles. — Command: noinsurancepay [on/off] Halloween Event — Command: halloween [on/off] Peyote Plants — Command: peyotes [on/off] Quit To Story Mode — Command: quittosp Force Quit To Story Mode — Restarts all game systems, then loads you into story mode. — Command: forcequittosp Request Services Request Airstrike — Gives you a flare and spawns a Merryweather jet ready to bomb at the flare's location. — Command: airstrike Request Ammo Drop — Command: requestammodrop Request Boat Pickup — Command: boatpickup Request Helicopter Pickup — Command: helipickup Request Helicopter Backup — Command: helibackup Request Nano Drone — Command: requestnanodrone Off The Radar — Command: otr [on/off] Bull Shark Testosterone (BST) — Command: bst [on/off] Get BST — Command: bstonce Remove Bounty — Command: removebounty Reveal Off The Radar Players — Command: revealotr [on/off] Reveal Invisible Players — Command: revealinvisible [on/off] Become The Orbital Cannon — Sends everyone who you kill to the hospital and shows the orbital cannon kill message. — Command: becomeorbitalcannon [on/off] View Report Stats — Command: reportstats Set Targeting Mode — Command: targeting Assisted Aim - Full — Command: targeting assisted Assisted Aim - Partial — Command: targeting partialassist Free Aim - Assisted — Command: targeting assistedfreeaim Free Aim — Command: targeting freeaim Rockstar Admin DLC — Unlocks exclusive clothing and Social Club TV. — Command: admindlc [on/off] Player Tags On Blips — Command: bliptags [on/off] Reset Ped Headshots — Fixes when the player list or notifications are having black squares instead of headshots. — Command: resetheadshots Players — Command: t players Settings Tags Brackets STD [STD] (STD) {STD} Classification Tags On Self (On/Off) Self <106 Options> Friend <106 Options> Crew Member <106 Options> Organisation Member <106 Options> In Timeout <106 Options> Modder <106 Options> Admin <106 Options> Likely Modder <106 Options> Attacked You <106 Options> Host <106 Options> Next Host <106 Options> Script Host <106 Options> Invulnerable <106 Options> Indestructible Vehicle <106 Options> In Vehicle <106 Options> RC Vehicle <106 Options> Off The Radar <106 Options> In An Interior <106 Options> Spectating <106 Options> Typing <106 Options> Dead <106 Options> Invisible <106 Options> VPN <106 Options> AR Beacon On Focused Players In Player List (On/Off) Within A Player's List (On/Off) Exclude Me (On/Off) When Entering Player's List... Spectate Them Disabled Nuts Method Legit Method When Leaving Player's List... Stop Spectating Them (On/Off) Stop Spectating — Command: stopspectating Sort By Name Distance Rank Money In Total K/D Ratio Discovery Time Session Player ID / Slot Host Queue Position Reverse Order (On/Off) Hoisted Tags — Players with hoisted tags will be placed above players without any hoisted tags. Self (On/Off) Friend (On/Off) Crew Member (On/Off) Organisation Member (On/Off) In Timeout (On/Off) Modder (On/Off) Admin (On/Off) Likely Modder (On/Off) Attacked You (On/Off) Host (On/Off) Next Host (On/Off) Script Host (On/Off) Invulnerable (On/Off) Indestructible Vehicle (On/Off) In Vehicle (On/Off) RC Vehicle (On/Off) Off The Radar (On/Off) In An Interior (On/Off) Spectating (On/Off) Typing (On/Off) Dead (On/Off) Invisible (On/Off) VPN (On/Off) All Players Excludes Exclude Friends (On/Off) Exclude Crew Members (On/Off) Exclude Stand Users (On/Off) Exclude Organisation Members (On/Off) Exclude Modders (On/Off) Exclude Likely Modders (On/Off) Teleport Teleport To Me — Command: summonall — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Teleport To My Waypoint — Command: wpsummonall Teleport To My Objective — Command: summonobjall Teleport To Their Waypoint — Command: wptpall Teleport To Apartment... Near Me — Command: aptmeall — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Near My Waypoint — Command: aptwpall — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Eclipse Towers, Apt 31 — Command: apt1all — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. <112 More Options> Teleport To Casino — Command: casinotpall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Friendly Vehicle Upgrade — Command: upgradevehall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Fix Vehicle — Command: repairvehall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Indestructible — Command: givevehgodall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Can't Be Locked On — Command: givenolockonall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Engine Power Multiplier (1.00 to 20.00) — Command: givepowerall [1.00 to 20.00] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Give Collectibles All — Command: givecollectiblesall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Movie Props Hidden Caches Treasure Chests Radio Antennas Media USBs Shipwrecks Buried Stashes Jack O' Lanterns LD Organics Merchandise Junk Energy Skydives Snowmen G's Cache Los Santos Tags Yuanbao CEO Money Loop — Gives associates and bodyguards some decent pay. The recipients don't have to be your associates or bodyguards. — Command: ceopayall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Give RP — Gives the player a bunch of RP. Can be used multiple times. — Command: rpall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Drop Casino Figurines — Can be used to give RP and cash. — Command: figurinesall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Drop Playing Cards — Can be used to give RP and casino chips. — Command: cardsall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Auto Heal — Keeps their character at maximum health and armour. — Command: autohealall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Never Wanted — Command: bailall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Off The Radar — Command: giveotrall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Drop P's & Q's — Command: snackall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Explosive Hits — Works best in close proximity. — Command: explosiveammoall (value) <85 Options> Impact Particles — Works best in close proximity. <501 Options> Chat Mock Chat Messages — HeRe'S sOmE tExT tO fEaSt YoUr EyEs UpOn — Command: chatmockall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. OwO-ify Chat Messages — Hewe's some text to feast youw eyes upon — Command: chatowoall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Weapons Give Weapons — Command: armall Give All Weapons — Command: armallall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. <8 More Options> Give Ammo — Gives them ammo for their current weapon. — Command: ammoall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Give Parachute — Command: paragiveall — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Disarm — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. — Command: disarmall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Trolling Vehicle Slippery Tyres — Takes some time to deactivate. — Command: slipperyall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Set Wanted Level (0 to 5) — Command: pwantedall [0 to 5] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Freeze — Command: freezeall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Force Camera Forward — Can also disable a player's invulnerability under some circumstances. — Command: confuseall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Ragdoll — Command: ragdollall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Shake Camera — Command: shakecamall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Kill — Does not work with block blaming or if you're in passive mode. — Command: killall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Cage — Command: cageall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Explode — Command: explodeall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Place Bounty — Command: bountyall [0 to 10000] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Place Bounty On Self (On/Off) — Also place a bounty on yourself to avoid drawing suspicion. Loop Bounty Value (1000 to 10000) — Command: loopbountyvalueall [1000 to 10000] Loop Bounty — Command: loopbountyall [on/off] Place Bounty On Self (On/Off) — Also place a bounty on yourself to avoid drawing suspicion. Send Notifications Cash Removed — Command: notifyremovedall [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Cash Stolen — Command: notifystolenall [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Cash Banked — Command: notifybankedall [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Notification Spam — Command: notifyspamall [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Send To Job Severe Weather Patterns — Command: sendtojoball Half-track Bully Exit Strategy Offshore Assets Cover Blown Mole Hunt Data Breach Work Dispute Kick From Vehicle — Command: vehkickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Kick From Interior — Command: interiorkickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Disable Driving Vehicles — Puts them into a state where they can't drive vehicles among other things which can be fixed with an apartment invite. — Command: novehsall — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Infinite Loading Screen — Command: infiniteloadingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Infinite Phone Ringing — Command: ringall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Force Into Freemode Mission — Forces targets into the freemode mission state, which means they can't be in passive mode or enter interiors. — Command: missionall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Trigger Business Raid — Command: raidall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Show Camera — Command: showcamall [on/off] Issue Commands On Everyone's Behalf — Command: asall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Increment Commend/Report Stats Helpful — Command: commendhelpfulall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Friendly — Command: commendfriendlyall — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Griefing or Disruptive Gameplay — Command: reportgriefingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Cheating or Modding — Command: reportexploitsall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Glitching or Abusing Game Features — Command: reportbugabuseall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Text Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportannoyingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Text Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reporthateall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Voice Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportvcannoyingall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Voice Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reportvchateall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Kick Smart — Removes the player by any means necessary. — Command: kickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Pool's Closed — Blocked by popular menus. — Command: aidsall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Blacklist — Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. Only available when you are the host. — Command: blacklistall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Host — Kicks the player using the vote kick mechanism. Unblockable when you are the host. — Command: hostkickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Non-Host — Blocked by most menus. — Command: nonhostkickall — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Crash Elegant — Blocked by most menus. — Command: crashall — Can be used by other players with the Toxic Commands permission. Steamroller — Command: steamrollall — Can be used by other players with the Toxic Commands permission. Outgoing Syncs Block — Stops your position being updated for other players and can even prevent other players from knowing that you're in the session if joining with this enabled. — Command: desyncall [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: syncoutlogall [on/off] Write To Console (On/Off) Notification (On/Off) [Player] — Command: [player] Information — Command: info[player] Status Distance Health Armour Weapon Vehicle Language Controller Wanted Level Mental State Weapon Damage Multiplier Melee Damage Multiplier Apartment ID Interior ID Session Player ID / Slot Type Boss Name Connection Ping Connected Via Relay IP Relay Port LAN IP IP Address Port City Region Country ISP Stats Rank Money In Wallet Money In Bank Money In Total Kills Deaths K/D Ratio Favourite Vehicle Favourite Weapon Favourite Radio Station Owns Bunker Owns Facility Owns Nightclub Crew ID Name Tag Motto Alternative Badge Copy To Crew Spoofing Name (Stand) Name (Session) Name (Social Club) Rockstar ID Discovered Invulnerable For Host Queue Position Name Hash Teleport Teleport To Them — Command: tp[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Teleport Into Their Vehicle — Command: tpveh[player] Teleport Into Their Apartment Teleport To Me — Command: summon[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Teleport To Player... Teleport To My Waypoint — Command: wpsummon[player] Teleport To My Objective — Command: summonobj[player] Teleport To Their Waypoint — Command: wptp[player] Teleport To Apartment... Near Me — Command: aptme[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Near My Waypoint — Command: aptwp[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Eclipse Towers, Apt 31 — Command: apt1[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. <112 More Options> Teleport To Casino — Command: casinotp[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Friendly Vehicle Upgrade — Command: upgradeveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Fix Vehicle — Command: repairveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Indestructible — Command: givevehgod[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Can't Be Locked On — Command: givenolockon[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Engine Power Multiplier (1.00 to 20.00) — Command: givepower[player] [1.00 to 20.00] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Give Collectibles All — Command: givecollectibles[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Movie Props Hidden Caches Treasure Chests Radio Antennas Media USBs Shipwrecks Buried Stashes Jack O' Lanterns LD Organics Merchandise Junk Energy Skydives Snowmen G's Cache Los Santos Tags Yuanbao CEO Money Loop — Gives associates and bodyguards some decent pay. The recipients don't have to be your associates or bodyguards. — Command: ceopay[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Give RP — Gives the player a bunch of RP. Can be used multiple times. — Command: rp[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Drop Casino Figurines — Can be used to give RP and cash. — Command: figurines[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Drop Playing Cards — Can be used to give RP and casino chips. — Command: cards[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Auto Heal — Keeps their character at maximum health and armour. — Command: autoheal[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Never Wanted — Command: bail[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Off The Radar — Command: giveotr[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Drop P's & Q's — Command: snack[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Explosive Hits — Works best in close proximity. — Command: explosiveammo[player] (value) <85 Options> Impact Particles — Works best in close proximity. <501 Options> Chat Mock Chat Messages — HeRe'S sOmE tExT tO fEaSt YoUr EyEs UpOn — Command: chatmock[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. OwO-ify Chat Messages — Hewe's some text to feast youw eyes upon — Command: chatowo[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Send Private Message — Sends a chat message that only this player and you can see. — Command: sendpm[player] [text] Weapons Give Weapons — Command: arm[player] Give All Weapons — Command: arm[player]all — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. <8 More Options> Give Ammo — Gives them ammo for their current weapon. — Command: ammo[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Give Parachute — Command: paragive[player] — Can be used by other players with the Friendly Commands permission. Disarm — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. — Command: disarm[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Trolling Vehicle Kill — Command: killveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Flip — Command: flipveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Spin — Command: spin[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. EMP — Command: empveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Ignite — Command: igniteveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Delete — Command: delveh[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Pop Tyres — Command: poptyres[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Slingshot — Command: slingshot[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Lock Doors — Command: lock[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Downgrade — Command: vehdowngrade[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Turn Around — Command: turnaround[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Detach Wing — Command: detachwing[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Detach Wheel — Command: detachwheel[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Slippery Tyres — Takes some time to deactivate. — Command: slippery[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Remove Doors — Command: removedoors[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Destroy Propellers — Command: destroyprop[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Break Off Tail Boom — Command: breakofftailboom[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Attackers Spawn Spawn Count (1 to 20) Model Playable Characters <3 Options> Ground Animals <4 Options> NPCs <815 Options> Vehicle None Random Super <57 Options> Service <13 Options> Utility <24 Options> Helicopters <30 Options> Motorcycles <59 Options> SUVs <46 Options> Planes <46 Options> Sports <119 Options> Emergency <31 Options> Military <17 Options> Sports Classic <50 Options> Compacts <18 Options> Sedans <43 Options> Boats <26 Options> Commercial <23 Options> Off-Road <68 Options> Vans <41 Options> Muscle <90 Options> Cycles <9 Options> Industrial <11 Options> Coupes <20 Options> Open Wheel <4 Options> Weapon Melee Weapons <20 Options> Pistols <21 Options> Machine Guns <13 Options> Rifles <14 Options> Shotguns <10 Options> Sniper Rifles <6 Options> Heavy Weapons <11 Options> Accuracy (0 to 100) Presets — Command: presets[player] Send Jets Send Bikers Send Clowns Send Helicopters Send BMX Gang Send Farmers Send Minitanks Send Military (Combined Arms) Send Spooky Phantoms Immortality (On/Off) Fill Vehicles (On/Off) — Instead of creating a new vehicle for each attacker, existing vehicles will be fully populated before a new one is created. Delete All Attackers Ram Ram — Command: ram[player] Speed (20 to 200) — Command: ramspeed[player] [20 to 200] Vehicle Random Super <57 Options> Service <13 Options> Utility <50 Options> Helicopters <30 Options> Motorcycles <59 Options> SUVs <46 Options> Planes <46 Options> Sports <119 Options> Emergency <31 Options> Military <17 Options> Sports Classic <50 Options> Compacts <18 Options> Sedans <43 Options> Boats <26 Options> Commercial <23 Options> Off-Road <68 Options> Vans <41 Options> Muscle <90 Options> Cycles <9 Options> Industrial <11 Options> Trains <11 Options> Coupes <20 Options> Open Wheel <4 Options> Invisibility (On/Off) Set Wanted Level (0 to 5) — Command: pwanted[player] [0 to 5] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Freeze — Command: freeze[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Fake Money Drop — Command: fakemoneydrop[player] [on/off] Block Passive Mode — Command: nopassivemode[player] [on/off] Force Camera Forward — Can also disable a player's invulnerability under some circumstances. — Command: confuse[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Ragdoll — Command: ragdoll[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Sound Spam — Command: soundspam[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Shake Camera — Command: shakecam[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Gravitate NPCs — Command: gravitate[player] [on/off] Aggressive NPCs — Command: aggressivenpcs[player] [on/off] Mugger Loop — Command: mugloop[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Turn Into Beast — Command: beast[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. — Exclusive to the Ultimate Edition Kill — Does not work with block blaming or if you're in passive mode. — Command: kill[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Cage — Command: cage[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Explode — Command: explode[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Particle Spam Particle Spam — Command: particlespam[player] [on/off] Particle <500 Options> Scale (0.25 to 10.00) — Command: ptfxscale[player] [0.25 to 10.00] Interval (ms) (0 to 1000) — Command: ptfxdelay[player] [0 to 1000] Hide Locally (On/Off) — Prevents you from also being spammed by the particles. Place Bounty — Command: bounty[player] [0 to 10000] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Loop Bounty Value (1000 to 10000) — Command: loopbountyvalue[player] [1000 to 10000] Loop Bounty — Command: loopbounty[player] [on/off] Send Notifications Cash Removed — Command: notifyremoved[player] [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Cash Stolen — Command: notifystolen[player] [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Cash Banked — Command: notifybanked[player] [-2147483648 to 2147483647] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Notification Spam — Command: notifyspam[player] [on/off] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. Send To Job Severe Weather Patterns — Command: sendtojob[player] Half-track Bully Exit Strategy Offshore Assets Cover Blown Mole Hunt Data Breach Work Dispute Kick From Vehicle — Command: vehkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Kick From Interior — Command: interiorkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Disable Driving Vehicles — Puts them into a state where they can't drive vehicles among other things which can be fixed with an apartment invite. — Command: novehs[player] — Can be used by other players with the Rude Commands permission. CEO/MC Kick — Command: ceokick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Infinite Loading Screen — Command: infiniteloading[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Infinite Phone Ringing — Command: ring[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Force Into Freemode Mission — Forces targets into the freemode mission state, which means they can't be in passive mode or enter interiors. — Command: mission[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Trigger Business Raid — Command: raid[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Waypoint — Command: wp[player] [on/off] Copy Their Waypoint — Command: copywp[player] Spectate Nuts Method — Command: spectate[player] [on/off] Legit Method (On/Off) Show Camera — Command: showcam[player] [on/off] Open Profile — Command: profile[player] Send Friend Request — Command: befriend[player] In Player History Copy Outfit — Command: copyoutfit[player] Copy Vehicle — Command: copyvehicle[player] Issue Commands On Their Behalf — Command: as[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Join CEO/MC — Command: ceojoin[player] [on/off] Invite To Pong — Command: pong[player] Increment Commend/Report Stats Helpful — Command: commendhelpful[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Friendly — Command: commendfriendly[player] — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Griefing or Disruptive Gameplay — Command: reportgriefing[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Cheating or Modding — Command: reportexploits[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Glitching or Abusing Game Features — Command: reportbugabuse[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Text Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportannoying[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Text Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reporthate[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Voice Chat: Annoying Me — Command: reportvcannoying[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Voice Chat: Using Hate Speech — Command: reportvchate[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Kick Smart — Removes the player by any means necessary. — Command: kick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Pool's Closed — Blocked by popular menus. — Command: aids[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Love Letter — A discrete kick that won't tell the target who did it. Unblockable when you are the host. — Command: loveletterkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Orgasm — Blocked by popular menus. — Command: orgasmkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Blacklist — Adds the player to the blacklist like they were vote kicked, but kicks them like a desync. Only available when you are the host. — Command: blacklist[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Host — Kicks the player using the vote kick mechanism. Unblockable when you are the host. — Command: hostkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Non-Host — Blocked by most menus. — Command: nonhostkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Invalid Pickup — Blocked by most menus. — Command: pickupkick[player] — Can be used by other players with the Aggressive Commands permission. Crash Elegant — Blocked by most menus. — Command: crash[player] — Can be used by other players with the Toxic Commands permission. Vehicular Manslaughter — Blocked by popular menus. — Command: slaughter[player] — Can be used by other players with the Toxic Commands permission. Timeout — Temporarily blocks most network traffic from and to this player. — Command: timeout[player] [on/off] Network Events Block — Command: ignore[player] [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: netlog[player] [on/off] Write To Console (On/Off) Notification (On/Off) Incoming Syncs Block — Command: blocksync[player] [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: syncinlog[player] [on/off] Write To Console (On/Off) Notification (On/Off) Outgoing Syncs Block — Stops your position being updated for this player. — Command: desync[player] [on/off] Write To Log File — Command: syncoutlog[player] [on/off] Write To Console (On/Off) Notification (On/Off) World — Command: t world Places Teleport To... — Command: tp Waypoint — Command: tpwp — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Objective — Command: tpobjective Saved Places — You can save places in World > Places > Position. Open Folder Stores Ammu-Nation — Command: tpammunation — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Ammu-Nation with Range — Command: tpshootingrange — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Barber Shop — Command: tpbarbershop — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Clothes Store — Command: tpclothesstore — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Los Santos Customs — Command: tplsc — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Tattoo Parlor — Command: tptattooparlor — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Landmarks Los Santos International Airport — Command: tplsia — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Maze Bank Tower Helipad — Command: tpmazehelipad — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Fort Zancudo — Command: tpfortzancudo — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Mount Chiliad — Command: tpmtchiliad — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Cayo Perico — Ensure that the Cayo Perico world state or IPLs are enabled before teleporting to avoid ending up in water. — Command: tpcayoperico — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Casino — Command: tpcasino — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Very High Up — Command: tphigh — Can be used by other players with the Neutral Commands permission. Position From Clipboard — Scans your clipboard for a 3D or 2D vector. — Command: pastepos Auto Teleport To Waypoints — Automatically teleports you to any waypoint you set. — Command: autotpwp [on/off] Teleport To Waypoints With Portals — Command: wpportals [on/off] Repeat Last Teleport — Command: repeattp Undo Teleport — Command: undoteleport Waypoint On... — Command: wp Objective — Command: wpobjective Saved Places — You can save places in World > Places > Position. Open Folder Stores Ammu-Nation — Command: wpammunation Ammu-Nation with Range — Command: wpshootingrange Barber Shop — Command: wpbarbershop Clothes Store — Command: wpclothesstore Los Santos Customs — Command: wplsc Tattoo Parlor — Command: wptattooparlor Landmarks Los Santos International Airport — Command: wplsia Maze Bank Tower Helipad — Command: wpmazehelipad Fort Zancudo — Command: wpfortzancudo Mount Chiliad — Command: wpmtchiliad Cayo Perico — Ensure that the Cayo Perico world state or IPLs are enabled before teleporting to avoid ending up in water. — Command: wpcayoperico Casino — Command: wpcasino Position From Clipboard — Scans your clipboard for a 3D or 2D vector. — Command: wpclipboard Position — Command: pos Save My Position — Command: savepos [name] Save Waypoint Position — Command: savewppos [name] X — Command: posx Y — Command: posy Z (Altitude) — Command: posz Copy Position To Clipboard — Command: copypos Interiors Bunker Teleport — Command: tpbunker Style — Command: bunkerstyle (value) 1 — Command: bunkerstyle 1 2 — Command: bunkerstyle 2 3 — Command: bunkerstyle 3 Security — Command: bunkersecurity [on/off] Equipment Upgrade — Command: bunkerequipmentupgrade [on/off] Gun Locker — Command: bunkergunlocker [on/off] Personal Quarters — Command: bunkerpersonalquarters [on/off] Gun Range — Command: bunkergunrange [on/off] Vehicle Warehouse Teleport — Command: tpvehware Style — Command: vehwarestyle (value) Branded — Command: vehwarestyle branded Urban — Command: vehwarestyle urban Basic (Colours 1) — Command: vehwarestyle basic1 Basic (Colours 2) — Command: vehwarestyle basic2 Basic (Colours 3) — Command: vehwarestyle basic3 Basic (Colours 4) — Command: vehwarestyle basic4 LS Car Meet — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpcarmeet IAA Facility — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpfacility Server Room — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpserverroom Bogdan's Submarine — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpsubmarine Humane Labs — Command: tphumanelabs FIB (Bureau Raid) — Command: tpburntfib FIB — Command: tpfib IAA — Command: tpiaa La Fuente Blanca — Command: tpranch Split Sides West Comedy Club — Command: tpcomedy Bahama Mamas — Command: tpbahamamamas Torture Room — Command: tptortureroom Motel Room — Command: tpmotelroom Cinema — Command: tpcinema Recycling Plant — Command: tprecyling Omega's Garage — Command: tpomega Lester's House — Command: tplester Friedlander's Office — Command: tptherapy Solomon's Office — Command: tpsolomon Floyd's House — Command: tpfloyd Janitor's House — Command: tpjanitor Benny's Original Motor Works — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpbenny Hayes Autos — Command: tpchopshop Tequi-La-La — Command: tprockclub Foundry — Command: tpfoundry Union Depository Garage — Command: tpcarpark Epsilon Storage Room — Command: tpepsilonstorage Character Creation Room Mission End Carpark Nightclub Garage — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. Weed Farm — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpweedfarm Stilt House — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: tpstilthouse High-End Apartment Mid-End Apartment Low-End Apartment High-End Garage Mid-End Garage Low-End Garage Large Warehouse — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. Medium Warehouse — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. Small Warehouse — Teleporting here will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly. IPLs — Allows you to load and unload parts of the world ("IPLs") *locally*. — Command: ipls Teleport To IPLs — Will teleport you to IPLs when you enable them below. — Command: ipltp [on/off] Cayo Perico — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: iplcayoperico [on/off] North Yankton — Command: yank [on/off] North Yankton Map & Radar — Command: yankmap [on/off] Clucking Bell Factory — Command: cluckingbellfactory [on/off] USS Luxington — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: ussluxington [on/off] Morgue — Command: morgue [on/off] Pillbox Hill Medical Center — Command: hospital [on/off] Series A Heist Yacht — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: seriesayacht [on/off] O'Neil Brothers Ranch — Command: ranch [on/off] O'Neil Brothers Ranch Fire — Command: ranchfire [on/off] Lost MC Clubhouse — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: lostmcclubhouse [on/off] Lester's Factory — Command: lestersfactory [on/off] Fame or Shame — Command: fameorshame [on/off] Lifeinvader — Command: lifeinvader [on/off] Vangelico Fine Jewelry — Command: vangelicofinejewelry [on/off] Max Renda — Command: maxrenda [on/off] Train Crash — Command: trainwreck [on/off] Mount Chiliad UFO — Command: ufoeye [on/off] Banham Canyon House — Command: banhamcanyonhouse [on/off] Red Carpet — Command: redcarpet [on/off] FIB Lobby — Command: fiblobby [on/off] FIB Helicopter Crash — Command: fibhelicoptercrash [on/off] FIB Rubble — Command: fibrubble [on/off] Union Depository — Command: uniondepository [on/off] Plane Crash Trench — Command: planecrashtrench [on/off] Alamo Sea Triathlon — Command: alamoseatriathlon [on/off] LSIA Triathlon — Command: lsiatriathlon [on/off] Fort Zancudo Gates — Command: zancudogates [on/off] Sandy Shores Airfield Boxes — Command: sandyshoresairfieldboxes [on/off] Car Wash Spinners — Command: carwashspinners [on/off] Maze Bank Billboard Graffiti — Command: mazebankbillboardgraffiti [on/off] Ron Oil Billboard Graffiti — Command: ronoilbillboardgraffiti [on/off] iFruit Billboard — Command: ifruitbillboard [on/off] Meltdown Billboard 1 — Command: meltdownbillboard1 [on/off] Meltdown Billboard 2 — Command: meltdownbillboard2 [on/off] Hill Valley Church Grave — Enabling this IPL will ensure the Online world state which might make the game unresponsive shortly — Command: hillvalleychurchgrave [on/off] Teleportation Effect <501 Options> Inhabitants Clear Area Clear Area — Command: cleararea Proximity (0.00 to 1000.00) — Command: clearproximity [0.00 to 1000.00] Vehicles — Command: clearvehicles [on/off] Pedestrians — Command: clearpeds [on/off] Objects — Command: clearobjects [on/off] Cages — Command: clearcages [on/off] Pickups — Command: clearpickups [on/off] Ignore Mission Entities — Command: clearnomission [on/off] No Delay — Command: clearnodelay [on/off] Traffic Traffic Colour Traffic Colour — Command: colourtraffic [on/off] Colour — Command: trafficcolour Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: trafficcolourrainbow [0 to 1000] Disable — Command: notraffic (value) Disabled — Command: notraffic off Enabled — Command: notraffic on Enabled, Including Parked Cars Potato Mode — Command: trafficpotato [on/off] Glide Ability — Command: trafficglide (value) Don't Override — Command: trafficglide default Enabled — Command: trafficglide on Disabled — Command: trafficglide off Pedestrians Disable — Command: nopedestrians [on/off] NPC Existence Punishments — Command: existencepunishments Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Freeze (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Push Away (On/Off) Revive (On/Off) Weaken (On/Off) — Reduces their health so they'll die easily. AR Marker (On/Off) NPC Proximity Punishments — Command: proximitypunishments Proximity (0.00 to 1000.00) — Command: punishableproximity [0.00 to 1000.00] Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Freeze (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Push Away (On/Off) Revive (On/Off) Ragdoll (On/Off) Weaken (On/Off) — Reduces their health so they'll die easily. Delete (On/Off) AR Marker (On/Off) Show Model Name (On/Off) NPC Hostility Punishments — Command: hostilitypunishments Include Everyone (On/Off) — Instead of only you, punishments will apply when this demographic is a target too. Include Everyone, In Missions (On/Off) — Same as above, but only effective inside missions. Include Friends (On/Off) — Instead of only you, punishments will apply when this demographic is a target too. Include Passengers (On/Off) — Instead of only you, punishments will apply when this demographic is a target too. Include Crew Members (On/Off) — Instead of only you, punishments will apply when this demographic is a target too. Include Organisation Members (On/Off) — Instead of only you, punishments will apply when this demographic is a target too. Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Interrupt (On/Off) Freeze (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Push Away (On/Off) Ragdoll (On/Off) Weaken (On/Off) — Reduces their health so they'll die easily. Delete (On/Off) AR Marker (On/Off) Show Model Name (On/Off) NPC Aim Punishments — Punish NPCs for aiming in your area. — Command: aimpunishments Punish Only If Aiming At Me (On/Off) — If disabled, NPCs will be punished for aiming in your area, regardless of who they're aiming at Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Interrupt (On/Off) Freeze (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Push Away (On/Off) Revive (On/Off) Ragdoll (On/Off) Weaken (On/Off) — Reduces their health so they'll die easily. Delete (On/Off) AR Marker (On/Off) Show Model Name (On/Off) Player Aim Punishments — Punish players for aiming in your area. — Command: playeraimpunishments Exclude Friends (On/Off) Exclude Crew Members (On/Off) Exclude Stand Users (On/Off) Exclude Organisation Members (On/Off) Punish Only If Aiming At Me (On/Off) — If disabled, players will be punished for aiming in your area, regardless of who they're aiming at Anonymous Explosion (On/Off) Owned Explosion (On/Off) Burn (On/Off) Die (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) — Will leave them with nothing but their fists. Interrupt (On/Off) Freeze (On/Off) Ragdoll (On/Off) AR Marker (On/Off) Show Model Name (On/Off) NPC ESP Bone ESP — Command: npcboneesp (value) Disabled Low Latency Rendering Legacy Rendering Exclude Dead (On/Off) Colour — Command: npcespcolour Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: npcespcolourrainbow [0 to 1000] Player ESP Bone ESP — Command: playerboneesp (value) Disabled Low Latency Rendering Legacy Rendering Name ESP Name ESP — Command: nameesp (value) Disabled Low Latency Rendering Legacy Rendering Max Distance (1 to 100000) — Command: esprange [1 to 100000] Show Tags — Command: esptags [on/off] Min Text Scale (1 to 10000) — Command: esptextmin [1 to 10000] Max Text Scale (1 to 10000) — Command: esptextmax [1 to 10000] Invert Text Scaling — Command: esptextinverse [on/off] Box ESP Box ESP — Command: boxesp (value) Disabled Low Latency Rendering Legacy Rendering Max Distance (1 to 100000) — Command: boxesprange [1 to 100000] Line ESP Line ESP — Command: lineesp [on/off] Max Distance (1 to 100000) — Command: lineesprange [1 to 100000] Default Colour — Command: defaultespcolour Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: defaultespcolourrainbow [0 to 1000] Tag Colours — Tags are sorted in this list by their display priority. Friend Colour — Command: espcolourfriend Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourfriendrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Organisation Member Colour — Command: espcolourorganisationmember Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourorganisationmemberrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Modder Colour — Command: espcolourmodder Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourmodderrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Likely Modder Colour — Command: espcolourlikelymodder Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourlikelymodderrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Invulnerable Colour — Command: espcolourinvulnerable Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourinvulnerablerainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Indestructible Vehicle Colour — Command: espcolourindestructiblevehicle Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourindestructiblevehiclerainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Off The Radar Colour — Command: espcolourofftheradar Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourofftheradarrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Invisible Colour — Command: espcolourinvisible Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourinvisiblerainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Crew Member Colour — Command: espcolourcrewmember Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourcrewmemberrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Dead Colour — Command: espcolourdead Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourdeadrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) RC Vehicle Colour — Command: espcolourrcvehicle Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourrcvehiclerainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Typing Colour — Command: espcolourtyping Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourtypingrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Spectating Colour — Command: espcolourspectating Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourspectatingrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) In An Interior Colour — Command: espcolourinaninterior Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourinaninteriorrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Attacked You Colour — Command: espcolourattackedyou Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourattackedyourainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) VPN Colour — Command: espcolourvpn Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourvpnrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Host Colour — Command: espcolourhost Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourhostrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Next Host Colour — Command: espcolournexthost Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolournexthostrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Script Host Colour — Command: espcolourscripthost Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: espcolourscripthostrainbow [0 to 1000] Use Colour (On/Off) Delete All Ropes — Command: deleteropes Atmosphere Clock — This will only affect your game. Use Session Time — Command: syncclock Time — Command: time [value] Lock Time — Command: locktime [on/off] Use System Time — Command: systime [on/off] Speed (1 to 3999) — Command: clockspeed [1 to 3999] Smooth Transition — Command: timesmoothing [on/off] Noon — Command: time 12 Morning — Command: time 6 Midnight — Command: time 0 Afternoon — Command: time 18 Override Weather — Overrides the weather *locally*. — Command: weather (value) Don't Override — Command: weather normal Extra Sunny — Command: weather extrasunny Clear — Command: weather clear Clouds — Command: weather clouds Smog — Command: weather smog Foggy — Command: weather foggy Overcast — Command: weather overcast Rain — Command: weather rain Thunder — Command: weather thunder Clearing — Command: weather clearing Neutral — Command: weather neutral Snow — Command: weather snow Blizzard — Command: weather blizzard Snowlight — Command: weather snowlight Xmas — Command: weather xmas Clear Halloween — Command: weather halloween Rainy Halloween — Command: weather rainhalloween Snowy Halloween — Command: weather snowhalloween Clouds — This will only affect your game. — Command: clouds (value) <21 Options> Disable Skybox — This will only affect your game. — Command: nosky [on/off] Editor — Command: editor Spawner Search — Command: findobject [clue] Input Model Name — The "expert mode" way of spawning objects. — Command: spawnobject [model name] Downtown <130 Options> <20449 More Options> Tools Freecam — Command: editorfreecam [on/off] Teleport To Where I'm Looking — Command: editorteleport Delete All Spawned — Command: editorclear Water Wave Behaviour — This will only affect your game. — Command: wavebehaviour (value) Normal — Command: wavebehaviour normal Smooth — Command: wavebehaviour smooth Magnetic — Command: wavebehaviour magnet Z Differential (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — This will only affect your game. — Command: waterheight [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Only Apply Z Differential To Nearby Water (On/Off) Strength Override (0.00 to 1000.00) — Command: waterstrength [0.00 to 1000.00] Opacity Differential (-80 to 233) — Allows you to add and remove water opacity *locally*. — Command: wateropacity [-80 to 233] Set World State — Note that changing the world state might make the game unresponsive shortly. — Command: worldstate Story Mode — Command: worldstate storymode Online — Command: worldstate online Cayo Perico — Command: worldstate island Enhanced Open World Enhanced Open World — Opens the world up more and allows you to enter many interiors at your own leisure. — Command: doors [on/off] Blips — Command: doorblips [on/off] Watch_Dogs-Like World Hacking Watch_Dogs-Like World Hacking — Command: dedsecmode [on/off] Sticky Selection (0 to 2000) — Hacks are only deselected after the specified delay in milliseconds. This is helpful for controllers. — Command: dedsecsticky [0 to 2000] When No Target Selected... Show Reticle — Command: dedsecpassivereticle [on/off] Show Line — Command: dedsecpassiveline [on/off] Show Box — Command: dedsecpassivebox [on/off] When Target Selected... Show Reticle — Command: dedsecactivereticle [on/off] Show Line — Command: dedsecactiveline [on/off] Show Box — Command: dedsecactivebox [on/off] Colour — Command: dedsechex Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: dedsecrainbow [0 to 1000] Phone Open Deadline (0 to 60000) — Allows you to open your phone despite having a hacking target if you release the key within the given amount of milliseconds. — Command: dedsecdelay [0 to 60000] Hacks — Allows you to configure which hacks appear on your screen. General Actions Freeze (On/Off) Unfreeze (On/Off) Explode (On/Off) Disarm (On/Off) Delete (On/Off) Vehicle Actions Destroy (On/Off) Drive (On/Off) Enter (On/Off) Empty (On/Off) Ignite (On/Off) Slingshot (On/Off) In Stand (On/Off) — Applies if you're selecting a player inside of a vehicle. NPC Actions Burn (On/Off) Flee (On/Off) Cower (On/Off) Revive (On/Off) Player Actions Kill (On/Off) Cage (On/Off) In Stand (On/Off) — Applies if you're selecting a player on foot. GeoGuessr — How well do you know San Andreas? GeoGuessr (On/Off) View Target (On/Off) Take Your Guess — Input a position by setting a waypoint, using freecam, or moving/teleporting your character. Aesthetic Light Aesthetic Light (On/Off) Colour — Command: aestheticcolour Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: aestheticrainbow [0 to 1000] Placement Character — A single light shining out of your character. Camera — A single light shining out of the camera. Oval Of Lights — 81 lights arranged in an oval around your character. Range (0.00 to 10000.00) — Command: aestheticrange [0.00 to 10000.00] Intensity (0.00 to 10000.00) — Command: aestheticintensity [0.00 to 10000.00] Diffraction (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: aestheticdiffraction [-10000.00 to 10000.00] World Border World Border (0 to 12000) — Shows the world border if you're within the specified amount of metres to it. — Command: worldborder [0 to 12000] Colour — Command: worldborderhex Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: worldborderrainbow [0 to 1000] Blackout — This will only affect your game. — Command: blackout (value) Disabled Enabled Enabled, Including Vehicles I Like Trains — Makes trains much more common in the world. — Command: trains [on/off] AR Waypoint — Places a beacon at your waypoints and gives you a way to see the height associated with some waypoints placed via Stand. — Command: arwaypoint [on/off] AR GPS — Navigates you to your waypoints. — Command: argps [on/off] Game — Command: t game Disables Disable Game Inputs Presets Mouse — Disables most game inputs while Stand is opened. Controller — Disables a few game inputs while Stand is opened. Controller + Tabs — Same as "Controller" but also disables vehicle acceleration and brake inputs. Numpad — Enables all game inputs. Invert (On/Off) <365 More Options> Straight To Voicemail — Blocks all incoming phone calls. — Command: nophonespam [on/off] Disable Camera Shake — Command: nocamshake [on/off] Disable Stunt Jumps — Command: nostuntjumps [on/off] Disable Cinematic Camera — Command: nocinematiccamera [on/off] Disable Vehicle Focus Camera — Disables the hint camera when you press the cinematic camera button while in a vehicle near a friendly player, etc. — Command: nofocuscamera [on/off] Disable Idle Camera — Command: noidlecam [on/off] Disable Recordings — Disables your ability to capture Rockstar Editor clips. — Command: norecordings [on/off] Disable Restricted Areas — This might cause you to have no weapons in missions or even cause you to fail to load into missions. ⚠️ — Command: norestrictedareas [on/off] Disable Flight Music — Command: noflightmusic [on/off] Disable Wanted Level Music — Command: nowantedlevelmusic [on/off] Prevent Numpad 7 Opening Social Club (On/Off) Camera Freecam — Allows you to basically take the camera anywhere you want. Freecam — Allows you to basically take the camera anywhere you want. — Command: freecam [on/off] Movement Speed (0.01 to 10000.00) — Command: freecamspeed [0.01 to 10000.00] Sprint Multiplier (0.01 to 10000.00) — How fast you go while you press [Space]. — Command: freecamsprintmultiplier [0.01 to 10000.00] Teleport On Disable — Teleports your character to the camera's location when you turn freecam off. — Command: freecamtp [on/off] Movement Ignores Pitch — Disables forward and backward movement affecting height depending on where you're looking. — Command: freecamignorepitch [on/off] Minimap Follows Freecam — Command: freecamminmap [on/off] Show Button Instructions — Command: freecambuttoninstructions [on/off] Movement Controls — Switches your movement inputs between your freecam and character — Command: freecammovement [on/off] Field of View Third-Person, In Vehicle (-5 to 360) — Command: fovtpinveh [-5 to 360] Third-Person, On Foot (-5 to 360) — Command: fovtponfoot [-5 to 360] First-Person, In Vehicle (-5 to 360) — Command: fovfpinveh [-5 to 360] First-Person, On Foot (-5 to 360) — Command: fovfponfoot [-5 to 360] Aiming (-5 to 360) — Command: fovaiming [-5 to 360] Sniping (-5 to 360) — Command: fovsniping [-5 to 360] Camera Distance Multiplier (-10000.00 to 10000.00) — Command: cameradistance [-10000.00 to 10000.00] Unrestrict Gameplay Camera — Allows you to move the gameplay camera in a full 360° circle. — Command: unrestrictcam [on/off] 2nd Person Perspective — Command: 2ndperson [on/off] Lock Gameplay Camera Heading — Command: lockheading [on/off] Anti-Crash Camera — Command: anticrashcamera [on/off] Rendering Visual Settings — Command: vis <42 Options> Night Vision — Command: nightvision [on/off] Thermal Vision — Command: thermalvision [on/off] Shader Override — Command: shader (value) <958 Options> Distance Scaling (0.00 to 200.00) — Command: lodscale [0.00 to 200.00] Render HD Only (On/Off) Potato Mode — Restores the game's original 2013 graphics. — Command: potatomode [on/off] Mostly Disable Rendering — Command: norender [on/off] Lock Streaming Focus Lock Streaming Focus — Command: lockstreamingfocus [on/off] Locked Position — Command: lockedstreamingpos [value] Info Overlay — Command: hudinfo In-Game Time — Command: infoclock [on/off] Real-World Time — Command: infotime [on/off] Speedometer — Command: infospeed [on/off] Ticks Per Second — Equal to frames per second. — Command: infotps [on/off] Draws Per Second — Command: infodps [on/off] GPU Overhead (ms) — How many milliseconds your CPU is waiting for your GPU to finish the frame. — Command: infogpuoverhead [on/off] Gear — Command: infogear [on/off] RPM — Command: inforpm [on/off] Players — Command: infoplayers [on/off] Player Tags Friend — Command: infofriend [on/off] Crew Member — Command: infocrewmember [on/off] Organisation Member — Command: infoorganisationmember [on/off] In Timeout — Command: infointimeout [on/off] Modder — Command: infomodder [on/off] Admin — Command: infoadmin [on/off] Likely Modder — Command: infolikelymodder [on/off] Attacked You — Command: infoattackedyou [on/off] Host — Command: infohost [on/off] Next Host — Command: infonexthost [on/off] Script Host — Command: infoscripthost [on/off] Invulnerable — Command: infoinvulnerable [on/off] Indestructible Vehicle — Command: infoindestructiblevehicle [on/off] In Vehicle — Command: infoinvehicle [on/off] RC Vehicle — Command: inforcvehicle [on/off] Off The Radar — Command: infoofftheradar [on/off] In An Interior — Command: infoinaninterior [on/off] Spectating — Command: infospectating [on/off] Typing — Command: infotyping [on/off] Dead — Command: infodead [on/off] Invisible — Command: infoinvisible [on/off] VPN — Command: infovpn [on/off] Host Queue Factor — Command: infohostqueue [on/off] Who's Spectating Who — Command: infowhospectateswho [on/off] Session Code — Command: infosessioncode [on/off] Country Breakdown — Shows all countries of players in the session with the amount of players next to each country. — Command: infocountrybreakdown (value) Disabled Sort By Count Sort By Country Name Outgoing Network Events — Command: infonetworkevents [on/off] Altitude — Command: infoaltitude [on/off] Ground Distance — Command: infogrounddistance [on/off] Position — Command: infoposition [on/off] Rotation (Entity) — Command: inforotationentity [on/off] Rotation (Camera) — Command: inforotationcamera [on/off] Pedestrians — Command: infopeds [on/off] Vehicles — Command: infovehicles [on/off] Objects — Command: infoobjects [on/off] Pickups — Command: infopickups [on/off] Projectiles — Command: infoprojectiles [on/off] Script Programs — Command: infoscriptprograms [on/off] Script Threads — Command: infoscriptthreads [on/off] Natives GTA Invoked Last Tick — Command: infogtanatives [on/off] Natives Stand Invoked Last Tick — Command: infostandnatives [on/off] Entity Handles Last Tick — Command: infoentityhandles [on/off] Control Requests — Command: infocontrolrequests [on/off] Fibers — Command: infofibers [on/off] Script Tick Handlers — Command: infoscripttick [on/off] Draw Handlers — Command: infodraw [on/off] Keep-Alive Connections — Command: infokeepalive [on/off] Edit HUD/UI Colours <225 Options> Edit Labels — Command: editlabels Add Label — Adds a label to the list which will allow you to edit it. — Command: addlabel Reveal Labels — Stops in-game text labels from being resolved and instead shows the label. — Command: reveallabels [on/off] OwO-ify Labels — Command: owolabels [on/off] Label List Custom DLCs — Allows you to load custom DLCs such as add-on vehicles with ease. Open Folder — Opens the "Custom DLCs" folder, which you can treat like GTA's "dlcpacks" folder, except registering and loading DLCs here is as easy as one click. Fix Asset Hashes — Allows you to join sessions with modified assets, which would normally show an incompatible assets error. — Command: fixassethashes [on/off] Spoof Models Spoof Models (On/Off) — Spoofs models from custom DLCs to models that are actually in the game so that players without the custom DLC can still see something. Vehicles — Command: spoofmodelveh (value) Super <57 Options> Service <13 Options> Utility <24 Options> Motorcycles <59 Options> SUVs <46 Options> Sports <119 Options> Emergency <31 Options> Military <17 Options> Sports Classic <50 Options> Compacts <18 Options> Sedans <43 Options> Commercial <23 Options> Off-Road <68 Options> Vans <41 Options> Muscle <90 Options> Industrial <11 Options> Coupes <20 Options> Open Wheel <4 Options> Motorcycles — Command: spoofmodelmotorbike (value) <59 Options> Planes — Command: spoofmodelplane (value) <46 Options> Helicopters — Command: spoofmodelheli (value) <30 Options> Boats — Command: spoofmodelboat (value) <26 Options> Cycles — Command: spoofmodelcycle (value) <9 Options> Radio Radio Stations Blaine County Radio Don't Override Show Hide Blue Ark <3 Options> Worldwide FM <3 Options> FlyLo FM <3 Options> The Lowdown 91.1 <3 Options> The Lab <3 Options> Radio Mirror Park <3 Options> Space 103.2 <3 Options> Vinewood Boulevard Radio <3 Options> Blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM <3 Options> Los Santos Underground Radio <3 Options> iFruit Radio <3 Options> Self Radio <3 Options> Los Santos Rock Radio <3 Options> Non-Stop-Pop FM <3 Options> Radio Los Santos <3 Options> Channel X <3 Options> West Coast Talk Radio <3 Options> Rebel Radio <3 Options> Soulwax FM <3 Options> East Los FM <3 Options> West Coast Classics <3 Options> Media Player <3 Options> MOTOMAMI Los Santos <3 Options> The Music Locker <3 Options> Kult FM <3 Options> Still Slipping Los Santos <3 Options> Mobile Radio — Enables listening to the radio while on foot. — Command: ipod [on/off] Lock Radio Station — Disallows any changes to the radio station by the game or other players. — Command: lockradio [on/off] Unlocks Set Story Mode Cash — Allow you to change how much money Michael, Franklin, & Trevor have. Michael — Command: spcashmichael [0 to 2147483647] Franklin — Command: spcashfranklin [0 to 2147483647] Trevor — Command: spcashtrevor [0 to 2147483647] Unlock GTA Online (Skip Prologue) — Command: skipprologue Unlock All Achievements — Command: unlockachievements Reveal Entire Map — Command: revealmap [on/off] Override Pre-Order Bonus — Command: preorder (value) Don't Override — Command: preorder default On — Command: preorder on Off — Command: preorder off AR Notifications AR Notifications — Command: arnotifs [on/off] Debug Mode — Command: arnotifsdebug [on/off] Dynamic Scale (0.00 to 1000.00) — Command: arnotifsdynamicscale [0.00 to 1000.00] Static Scale (0.00 to 1000.00) — Command: arnotifsstaticscale [0.00 to 1000.00] Dynamic Scaling — Command: arnotifsdynamicscaling [on/off] Rotation Mode — Command: arnotifsrotation (value) Entity Entity, Including Pitch Camera Camera, Including Pitch Horizontal Offset (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: arnotifshorizontaloffset [-100.00 to 100.00] Vertical Offset (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: arnotifsverticaloffset [-100.00 to 100.00] Depth Offset (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: arnotifsdepthoffset [-100.00 to 100.00] First Person Horizontal Offset (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: arnotifsfphoriztonaloffset [-100.00 to 100.00] First Person Vertical Offset (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: arnotifsfpverticaloffset [-100.00 to 100.00] First Person Depth Offset (-100.00 to 100.00) — Command: arnotifsfpdepthoffset [-100.00 to 100.00] Reserved Top Space (0.00 to 1.00) — Command: arnotifsreservedtopspace [0.00 to 1.00] Ensure Text Readability — Command: arnotifsbackface [on/off] Minimap Sleek Minimap — Command: sleekminimap [on/off] Disable New Invites Indicator — Disables the new invites indicator next to the map and on the Job List app. — Command: noinviteindicator [on/off] Remove Notifications Above Minimap — Command: clearnotifications Skip Cutscene — Command: skipcutscene Snake — Command: snake (value) Disabled — Command: snake off During Session Transition — Command: snake whilewaiting Enabled — Command: snake on Time Scale (0.00 to 1000.00) — Changes the speed of time itself *locally*. — Command: timescale [0.00 to 1000.00] Aim Time Scale (0.00 to 1000.00) — Changes the speed of time itself *locally* while you're aiming. — Command: aimtimescale [0.00 to 1000.00] Screenshot Mode — Command: screenshot [on/off] Rewind Position — Go back in time by pressing the assigned hotkey or special ability on controller. — Command: rewind [on/off] Set Game Language — Some languages have a different font which only gets loaded after a game restart. — Command: gamelang Chinese (Simplified) - 简体中文 — Command: gamelang zh Chinese (Traditional) - 繁體中文 — Command: gamelang zht English (US) — Command: gamelang en French - Français — Command: gamelang fr German - Deutsch — Command: gamelang de Italian - Italiana — Command: gamelang it Japanese - 日本語 — Command: gamelang ja Korean - 한국어 — Command: gamelang ko Polish - Polski — Command: gamelang pl Portuguese - Português — Command: gamelang pt Russian - русский — Command: gamelang ru Spanish - Español — Command: gamelang es Spanish (Mexican) - Española (Mexicana) — Command: gamelang esmx Fix Stuttering At High FPS — Fixes the stuttering that occurs when the game approaches 188 FPS. — Command: stutterfix [on/off] Remove FPS Limit — Allows the game to go beyond 188 FPS. — Command: uncapfps [on/off] Override Debug Natives — Implements and overrides the debug natives which are still used in some of the game's scripts. — Command: debugnatives [on/off] Patches Projectile Pool (On/Off) — Instead of refusing to spawn new projectiles when the projectile pool is full, this patch will delete the oldest projectile. Analogue Keyboard Support — If you have a supported analogue keyboard, this makes the game understand how strongly you are pressing your keys. Analogue Keyboard Support — If you have a supported analogue keyboard, this makes the game understand how strongly you are pressing your keys. — Command: analogue [on/off] Supported Keyboards Pressure Subtrahend (0 to 255) — Command: analoguesubtrahend [0 to 255] Pressure Divisor (1 to 255) — Command: analoguedivisor [1 to 255] Device Pressure Early Inject Enhancements — Game enhancements that will be applied if Stand is injected as the game starts. Game Pools Size Multiplier (1.00 to 7.00) — Multiplies the size of pools for entities, script resources, etc. Also increase memory pool size to avoid "out of memory" errors. Attempting to make a replay recording with modified game pools will crash the game. — Command: gamepoolmultiplier [1.00 to 7.00] Memory Pool Size (MB) (488 to 2147) — Command: mempool [488 to 2147] Set Game To High Priority (On/Off) Speed Up Startup (On/Off) Skip Intro & License (On/Off) Use Script VM Reimplementation — Replaces the game's script runtime with a slightly more optimised version. — Command: svmreimpl [on/off] YEET — Command: yeet Stand — Command: t stand Settings — Command: settings Appearance Colours Primary Colour — Command: primary Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: rainbow [0 to 1000] Focused Text Colour — Command: focustext Focused Right-Bound Text Colour — Command: focusrighttext Copy Focused Text Colour Focused Texture Colour — Command: focustexture Copy Focused Text Colour Background Colour — Command: background Unfocused Text Colour — Command: unfocusedtext Unfocused Right-Bound Text Colour — Command: unfocusedrighttext Copy Unfocused Text Colour Unfocused Texture Colour — Command: unfocusedtexture Copy Unfocused Text Colour HUD Colour — Command: hud Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: hudrainbow [0 to 1000] Copy Primary Colour AR Colour — Command: ar Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: arrainbow [0 to 1000] Copy Primary Colour Minigame Colour — Command: minigame Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: minigamerainbow [0 to 1000] Copy Primary Colour Position — Command: menupos X — Command: menux Y — Command: menuy Move With Mouse — Command: menumousemove [on/off] Header Header — Command: header (value) Be Gone — Command: header hide Stand And Fight by TGP A Tribute by Super Saiyan Ginger Logo Concept 5 by Hollywood Collins Minimalistic by PootisGodAnimations Rockstar Admin Tools Paragon by Denzy Paragon (Purple) by Denzy Paragon (Cyan) by Denzy GlitchFav4 by SourGrapeApe Quantum by Denzy Amogus by boah JoJo by Spicy Shitty Attempt #2 by super saiyan ginger Logo Concept 3 by Hollywood Collins Stan by synn420 Take-Two Anti-Profit Tool WillMa Techno by Cahya Untitled (2) by moue epic3dblenderrendernightmare by Thimo Komp 1 by Cahya Shitty Attempt #1 by super saiyan ginger Shitty Attempt #3 by super saiyan ginger Untitled Animated by moue Custom — Command: header custom Frame Interval (1 to 10000) — Command: headerinterval [1 to 10000] Background Blur (On/Off) — Should only be enabled for headers with transparency because it would be a waste of resources to produce a visual effect that would be entirely hidden. Open Folder Address Bar Address Bar — Command: addressbar [on/off] Root Name <28 Options> Address Separator Stand > Online Stand>Online Stand / Online Stand/Online Stand : Online Stand:Online Stand \ Online Stand\Online Show Current List Only (On/Off) Width Affected By Scrollbar (On/Off) Width Affected By Columns (On/Off) Height (0 to 32767) — Command: addressbarheight [0 to 32767] Text — Command: addressbartext Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: addressbartextscale [1 to 32767] X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: addressbartextxoffset [-15 to 15] Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: addressbartextyoffset [-10 to 10] Show Cursor Position — Toggles the visibility of the cursor position indicator at the top-right of Stand's in-game UI. — Command: cursorpos [on/off] Cursor Position Includes Dividers (On/Off) Cursor Scroll Gap (0 to 25) — Sets the minimum amount of commands you will see below or above your selection unless you're at the beginning or end of a list. — Command: cursorpadding [0 to 25] Width (0 to 32767) — Command: cursorborderwidth [0 to 32767] Rounded — Command: cursorborderrounded [on/off] Colour — Command: cursorborder Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: cursorborderrainbow [0 to 1000] Tabs Tabs — Command: tabs [on/off] Width (1 to 32767) — Command: tabswidth [1 to 32767] Height (1 to 32767) — Command: tabsheight [1 to 32767] Position — Command: tabsposition (value) Left — Command: tabsposition left Right — Command: tabsposition right Top — Command: tabsposition top Bottom — Command: tabsposition bottom Text — Command: tabstext Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: tabstextscale [1 to 32767] X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: tabstextxoffset [-15 to 15] Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: tabstextyoffset [-10 to 10] Text Alignment — Command: tabsalignment (value) Left — Command: tabsalignment left Centre — Command: tabsalignment centre Right — Command: tabsalignment right Show Icon Left — Command: tabslefticon [on/off] Show Name — Command: tabsname [on/off] Show Icon Right — Command: tabsrighticon [on/off] Icons Use Text Colour (On/Off) Scrollbar Scrollbar Enabled Enabled For Big Lists Disabled Width (1 to 32767) — Command: scrollbarwidth [1 to 32767] Command Info Text Position — Here's some text to feast your eyes upon — Command: commandinfotextposition (value) Left — Command: commandinfotextposition left Bottom — Command: commandinfotextposition bottom Right — Command: commandinfotextposition right Below Tabs — Command: commandinfotextposition belowtabs Width (1 to 32767) — Command: infowidth [1 to 32767] Padding (-100 to 100) — Command: infopadding [-100 to 100] Show Help Text — Here's some text to feast your eyes upon — Command: showhelptext [on/off] Show Command Syntax — Here's some text to feast your eyes upon — Command: showsyntax [on/off] Indicate Slider Behaviour — Command: showsliderbehaviour [on/off] Indicate If Usable By Other Players — Command: shownonuseronly [on/off] Show Owning Script — Command: showowners [on/off] Notifications Type Game Stand, Next To Map Stand, Custom Position Custom Position — This will only take effect with type set to "Stand, Custom Position". — Command: notifypos X — Command: notifyx Y — Command: notifyy Move With Mouse — Command: notifymousemove [on/off] Invert Flow (On/Off) — This will only take effect with type set to "Stand, Custom Position". Width (0 to 15000) — Command: notifywidth [0 to 15000] Padding (0 to 15000) — Command: notifypadding [0 to 15000] Border Colour — Command: notifyborder Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: notifyborderrainbow [0 to 1000] Copy Primary Colour Flash Colour — Command: notifyflash Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: notifyflashrainbow [0 to 1000] Background Colour — Command: notifybg Copy Background Colour Flash Notification Timing Reading Speed (WPM) (0 to 1000) — Command: readspeed [0 to 1000] Reading Start Delay (ms) (0 to 1000) — Command: readstartdelay [0 to 1000] Min Duration (ms) (0 to 60000) — Command: notifyminduration [0 to 60000] Max Duration (ms) (0 to 60000) — Command: notifymaxduration [0 to 60000] Show Sample Notification Small Medium Large Commands Text — Command: commandtext Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: commandtextscale [1 to 32767] X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: commandtextxoffset [-15 to 15] Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: commandtextyoffset [-10 to 10] Colour Commands Preview Colour In Texture (On/Off) Preview Colour In List (On/Off) Prefill Current Value For Command Box Sliders (On/Off) Text Inputs (On/Off) Number Sliders Selectable N/A Sliders — Command: selectablenasliders [on/off] Rightbound Value — Command: slidersrightbound [on/off] Selectable Dividers — Command: selectabledividers [on/off] Border Width (0 to 32767) — Command: borderwidth [0 to 32767] Rounded — Command: borderrounded [on/off] Colour — Command: border Rainbow Mode (0 to 1000) — Cycles the colour's hue every x milliseconds but still allows you to change the saturation, value, and opacity. — Command: borderrainbow [0 to 1000] Max Columns (1 to 50) — Command: columns [1 to 50] Max Visible Commands (3 to 255) — Command: menuheight [3 to 255] List Width (0 to 32767) — Command: listwidth [0 to 32767] List Height (0 to 32767) — Command: listheight [0 to 32767] Spacer Size (0 to 32767) — Command: spacersize [0 to 32767] Smooth Scrolling (0 to 1000) — Command: smoothscroll [0 to 1000] Background Blur (0 to 100) — Note that higher values of this are extremely demanding of your GPU. — Command: blur [0 to 100] Open Theme Folder — Opens your %appdata%/Stand/Theme folder. Font & Text Set Font — Command: setfont Use Preset Font — Command: presetfont Microsoft YaHei — Stand's default font. — Command: presetfont yahei Nanum Gothic — Stand's auxiliary font for Korean. — Command: presetfont nanumgothic Be Vietnam Pro Light — Stand's auxiliary font for Vietnamese. — Command: presetfont bevietnamprolight Reload Font — Command: reloadfont Command Box Input Text — Command: commandboxinput Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: commandboxinputscale [1 to 32767] X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: commandboxinputxoffset [-15 to 15] Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: commandboxinputyoffset [-10 to 10] Small Text — Command: smalltext Scale (1 to 32767) — Command: smalltextscale [1 to 32767] X Offset (-15 to 15) — Command: smalltextxoffset [-15 to 15] Y Offset (-10 to 10) — Command: smalltextyoffset [-10 to 10] Show Text Bounding Boxes — Command: showtextboundingboxes [on/off] Textures Leftbound — Command: lefttextures (value) Disabled All Commands All Commands, Compact Toggles Only Toggles Only, Compact Reload Textures — Command: reloadtextures Stream-Proof Rendering — Prevents Stand being visible to streaming software, if it uses DirectX/game capture. — Command: streamproof [on/off] Entity Previews Disable Entity Previews — Command: disableentitypreviews [on/off] Opaque — Command: previewopaque [on/off] Rotation Speed (0.00 to 4.00) — Command: previewrotationspeed [0.00 to 4.00] Additional Character Distance (0.00 to 5.00) — Command: previewpeddist [0.00 to 5.00] Additional Object Distance (0.00 to 10.00) — Command: previewobjdist [0.00 to 10.00] Additional Vehicle Distance (0.00 to 10.00) — Command: previewvehdist [0.00 to 10.00] Input Keyboard Input Scheme — Command: inputscheme Presets — Command: inputpreset Flexible — Command: inputpreset flexible No Numpad — Command: inputpreset tkl Numpad — Command: inputpreset full Open/Close Menu Previous Tab Next Tab Up Down Left Right Click Back Context Menu Command Box Context Option Hotkeys Save State Load State Apply Default State Apply Default State To Children Set To Min Value Set To Max Value Mouse Support Mouse Support — Note that this does not work with the "Windows" input method due to it constantly centring your cursor. — Command: mouse [on/off] Set Cursor Position On Non-Mouse Navigation (On/Off) Controller Support — Command: controller [on/off] Controller Input Scheme Open/Close Menu 1 <16 Options> Open/Close Menu 2 <16 Options> Previous Tab <16 Options> Next Tab <16 Options> Up <16 Options> Down <16 Options> Left <16 Options> Right <16 Options> Click <16 Options> Back <16 Options> Context Menu <16 Options> Command Box <17 Options> Back Resets Cursor — Puts the cursor at the top of the list when back is pressed while there's nothing to go back to. — Command: backreset [on/off] Back Closes Menu — Allows Stand's in-game UI to be closed by pressing back when there's nothing to go back to. — Command: backclose [on/off] Interrupt Holding On Wrap-Around (On/Off) Keep Cursor When Revisiting Tabs — Will make tabs like "Self" remember the cursor position you had when you last visited them. — Command: tabskeepcursor [on/off] Lists — Will make lists like "Settings" remember the cursor position you had when you last visited them. — Command: listskeepcursor [on/off] Lists: Reduced Effect For Huge Lists (On/Off) Key Repeat Interval (0 to 10000) — The interval at which your keyboard input is repeated while you're holding a key down. — Command: keyrepeatinterval [0 to 10000] Key Long-Hold Repeat Interval (0 to 10000) — The interval at which your keyboard input is repeated when you've held a key down for a while. — Command: keylongrepeatinterval [0 to 10000] Key Repeat Interval For Tabs (0 to 10000) — Command: tabrepeatinterval [0 to 10000] Disable Hotkeys — Command: disablehotkeys [on/off] Modifier Key Matching — How ctrl, shift, & alt are handled. Strict — No additional modifier keys may be pressed. So, pressing Ctrl+Shift+G would not trigger G nor Ctrl+G. Smart — Strict if hotkey has modifier keys, lax otherwise. So, pressing Ctrl+Shift+G would trigger G but not Ctrl+G. Lax — Additional modifier keys may be pressed. So, pressing Ctrl+Shift+G would trigger G and Ctrl+G. Info Text Position — Command: infotextpos X — Command: infotextx Y — Command: infotexty Move With Mouse — Command: infotextmousemove [on/off] Alignment — Command: infoalign (value) Top Left — Command: infoalign topleft Top Centre — Command: infoalign topcentre Top Right — Command: infoalign topright Centre Left — Command: infoalign centreleft Centre — Command: infoalign centre Centre Right — Command: infoalign centreright Bottom Left — Command: infoalign bottomleft Bottom Centre — Command: infoalign bottomcentre Bottom Right — Command: infoalign bottomright Scale (0 to 10000) — Command: infoscale [0 to 10000] Drop Shadow (0 to 255) — Command: infodropshadow [0 to 255] Warnings Automatically Proceed On Warnings Command Box — Includes the Stand Command Box, the command box on the web interface, and chat commands. — Command: commandsskipwarnings [on/off] Hotkey — Command: hotkeysskipwarnings [on/off] Force Me To Read Warnings (On/Off) Skip Already-Accepted Warnings — Command: skiprepeatwarnings [on/off] Hide Information — This can help you avoid showing sensitive information when screensharing Stand. Hide Unspoofed Name — This refers to the name shown in the player information list and is unaffected by "Spoof Other Players' Names". Disabled Me Friends & Me Crew Members, Friends, & Me Enabled Hide Rockstar ID Disabled Me Friends & Me Crew Members, Friends, & Me Enabled Hide IP Address Disabled Me Friends & Me Crew Members, Friends, & Me Enabled Hide GeoIP Disabled Me Friends & Me Crew Members, Friends, & Me Enabled Notifications Suppress Generic Responses — Suppress generic responses like "Command executed successfully". Command Box — Includes the Stand Command Box, the command box on the web interface, and chat commands. — Command: suppressgenericresponses [on/off] Hotkey (On/Off) Command Box Max Shown Matching Commands (1 to 1000) — Command: cbmaxshownmatching [1 to 1000] Keep Draft When Closed — Command: cbkeepdraft [on/off] Session Joining Automatically Change Targeting Mode (On/Off) — This only applies when joining sessions via Stand. Join methods without dialogs always do this. Language — If you're unable to comprehend the language in which this text was written, change this maybe. — Command: lang (value) Chinese (Simplified) - 简体中文 — Command: lang zh Dutch - Nederlands — Command: lang nl English (UK) — Command: lang enuk English (US) — Command: lang enus French - Français — Command: lang fr German - Deutsch — Command: lang de Italian - Italiana — Command: lang it Japanese - 日本語 — Command: lang ja Korean - 한국어 — Command: lang ko Lithuanian - Lietuvių — Command: lang lt Polish - Polski — Command: lang pl Portuguese - Português — This translation is currently unmaintained. Get in touch if you think you could update it. — Command: lang pt Russian - русский — Command: lang ru Spanish - Español — Command: lang es Turkish - Türkçe — Command: lang tr Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt — Command: lang vi Horny English — Command: lang sex Engwish — Command: lang uwu Howny Engwish — Command: lang hornyuwu Show Button Instructions — Command: showbuttoninstructions (value) Enabled Smart Disabled Open After Injection (On/Off) Discord Rich Presence — Command: discordrichpresence [on/off] Sound Effects — Command: sfx [on/off] Menu Navigation Reminders (On/Off) Profiles — Profiles allow you to save and load the state of all commands. — Command: profiles Create Profile — Save the state of every command to a new profile. — Command: newprofile [name] Open Folder Lua Scripts — Allows you to run scripts that were written for Stand in Lua and/or Pluto. — Command: luascripts Repository — The repository gives you easy access to a selection of lua scripts. Open Folder Settings Presets User Developer Warn Me Before Running Dangerous Scripts — Command: luaconfigwarndangerous [on/off] Warn Me Before Running Money Scripts — Command: luaconfigwarnmoney [on/off] Enforce Silent Start No Yes Yes + Notify Enforce Silent Stop No Yes Yes + Notify enable_warnings (On/Off) notify_deprecated (On/Off) notify_bad_practice (On/Off) notify_missed_cleanup_blurrect (On/Off) notify_missed_cleanup_arspinner (On/Off) notify_missed_cleanup_graceland (On/Off) notify_ref_by_path_upgrade (On/Off) notify_get_value_fail (On/Off) — If menu.get_value does not support a command type, it will silently return 0. With this enabled, you will get a notification in that case. ASI Mods — Allows you to use ASI mods with Stand's ScriptHookV implementation. — Command: asimods Open ASI Mods Folder — Opens your %appdata%/Stand/ASI Mods folder. Open GTA V Folder Settings Use Temp Folder (On/Off) — This allows you to restart ASI mods that don't support unloading, but might cause ASI mods to read/write configurations in the temp folder. Deceive Online Checks (On/Off) — Allows you to use ASI mods that refuse to work when you're in Online. Command Box Scripts Open Folder Command Box Documentation Command List Experiments Run Network Diagnostics Deactivate Profile — Command: deactivateprofile Unbrick Account Read All Org Chats (On/Off) — Players in an org will see you under their org in the player list, and if the script host has an org, creating an org of your own will not work flawlessly. Chat Gadget — Command: chatgadget (value) Disabled Window Direct Been Playing Since The Game Came Out! — Irreversibly changes various stats related to your onboarding date. This doesn't improve or worsen safety as far as we know. Show Nav Mesh — Command: navmesh [on/off] Show Nav Mesh Neighbors (On/Off) Show Ped Tasks — Command: showpedtasks [on/off] Show Apartments — Pos. ID -> Apt. ID(s) — Command: showapartments [on/off] Show Interior ID — Command: showinteriorid [on/off] Log Profanities — Best enjoyed in conjuction with a lapdance at the Vanilla Unicorn. — Command: dumpprofanities Export Display Names Abort Transition — Command: aborttransition Quick Bail — Command: quickbail Command Gallery menu.list — Command: gallerylist menu.action — Command: galleryaction menu.toggle — Command: gallerytoggle [on/off] menu.slider (-2147483648 to 2147483647) — Command: galleryslider [-2147483648 to 2147483647] menu.slider_float (-21474836.48 to 21474836.47) — Command: gallerysliderfloat [-21474836.48 to 21474836.47] menu.click_slider (-2147483648 to 2147483647) — Command: galleryclickslider [-2147483648 to 2147483647] menu.click_slider_float (-21474836.48 to 21474836.47) — Command: galleryclicksliderfloat [-21474836.48 to 21474836.47] menu.list_select — Command: gallerylistselect (value) Uno — Command: gallerylistselect uno Dos — Command: gallerylistselect dos Tres — Command: gallerylistselect tres menu.list_action — Command: gallerylistaction Uno — Command: gallerylistaction uno Dos — Command: gallerylistaction dos Tres — Command: gallerylistaction tres menu.textslider menu.textslider_stateful Credits — Command: credits Pocakking — Created BigBaseV2, which was a great starting point. QuickNET — Shared his knowledge of GTA and C++ and answered stupid questions. Maestro-1337 — Helped keep the menu up-to-date by sharing crossmaps. alloc8or — Maintains his Native DB and shared lots of useful data. SirMestre — Created LittleInjector, which helped with creating the Launchpad. Give-Two — Created a ScriptHookV implementation, which helped with DirectX rendering. gir489 — Shared his knowledge of GTA and created bigbasev2-fix. well-in-that-case — Created Pluto, the fork of Lua that we use. C5Hackr — Helped with allowing you to use Stand despite BattlEye. UPX — Allows the Stand DLL to be smaller than it actually is. UnknownCheats — Diamonds in the mud. StackOverflow — Naturally. Thimo — Maintains Stand's Dutch translation. moue — Maintains Stand's Lithuanian translation. zzzz — Maintains Stand's Chinese translation. IceDoomfist — Maintains Stand's Korean translation. 99Anvar99 — Maintains Stand's Russian translation. Lancito01 — Maintains Stand's Spanish translation. Itreax — Maintains Stand's French translation. Emre — Maintains Stand's Turkish translation. DumbBird — Maintains Stand's Polish translation. Rem1ria — Maintains Stand's Japanese translation. Nhất Linh — Maintains Stand's Vietnamese translation. Il Mac — Maintains Stand's Italian translation. ... and you! — Yes, you get a participation trophy. But seriously, thank you for supporting Stand, reporting bugs, and suggesting features! Find Command — Allows you to find commands in Stand by name and help text. — Command: search [clue] Apply Default State — Resets all commands back to their default state. — Command: default Commands With Non-Default State Get Help With Stand Saved Commands — Lists all commands you've saved using the respective option in the context menu. Web Interface — The web interface allows you to use Stand from your browser, even on your smartphone. Open Web Interface — Command: webinterface Console — Command: console [on/off] Open Stand Folder — Opens your %appdata%/Stand folder. — Command: openstandfolder Clear Notifications — Clears Stand's notification system. — Command: clearstandnotifys Empty Log.txt — Cleanses your %appdata%/Stand/Log.txt. — Command: emptylog Generate Features (en).txt — Saves all currently available commands in %appdata%/Stand/Features (en).txt with their help text and syntax. — Command: featurelist Tutorial Repeat — Command: repeattutorial Dismiss — Command: dismisstutorial Unload Stand — Removes Stand from the game until you re-inject it. — Command: unload